AEs: Do you self-source your leads?

I'm an AE at a MarTech platform. In our weekly meeting, my manager told us: "most AEs self-source 10-20% of their leads" in an effort to get us to do the work of the BDR team, too.

It used to be clear at my company that leads were qualified by BDRs and placed on AEs calendars for demos, nurturing and closing -- and only new-hire AEs did prospecting for a month or two while they were training until their calendars filled up. But the call volume from BDRs has slowed down in recent months.

Can anyone vouch for this 10-20%, or is it bs? 

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Would You Rather have BDR Driven Pipeline or Self Source Your Own Pipeline?

BDR Sourced Pipeline or Self Sourced Pipeline
55% Self Source
45% BDR Sourced
47 people voted

Are most of the leads your reps bring to AE's crap?

Are the leads your reps bring in crap?
49% Yes
24% No
28% I have to prospect for my own opps
68 people voted