Not to be too long winded, but I'm at a cross roads at my current company and it's a situation I've never dealt with before... completely centered around my relationship with my Vice President, who's also my boss.
For context, I'm an enterprise rep at a Series C Proptech company (think financial automation w/ AI components for real estate developers - awesome product, by the way). I've lead our strategic team in net-new revenue month over month, and have reached my '23 quota as of last week.
Over the last few months, my boss, who historically has been a huge internal advocate and generally supportive of me - has totally flipped the switch. My funnel reviews are filled with criticism, he's uncharacteristically curt, unresponsive, and it feels like my balloon has popped. The change in his behavior is sudden, but also noticeable to the point one of my closer colleagues actually brought it up to me privately.
His behavior hasn’t spread to my peers, who are all amazing, but not necessarily as performance focused.
I have no idea how to handle this, short of being very direct and simply asking him if I have any ducks out of row. My relationship with other leadership on our GTM team is strong and friendly.
Have any of you savages experienced something like this? Huge advocate for my org, the pay, and the product, but I’m absolutely at a loss on what to do here. Any advice is appreciated!