Hey WR fam, I’ve been navigating the job market for the past 8 months after being laid off, and I could really use your valuable insights and advice. I have just under a year of experience being an AE at a logistics company, I’m looking into software sales but no luck. Any feedback? Thank you.

🔓 2024
🧠 Advice
❤️ Bravado Community
Want some truth? Your post tells the whole story. My takeaway: Laid off, been 8 months, needs help, no experience. This reads like a sympathy play, rather than a quest for employment. If this is how you're playing it while applying for sales jobs, you're DOA.

You need to formulate and articulate your unique value. What is it that you've done in sales or anywhere else that deems you worthy of consideration? Why you? Why now? You have to provide a reason. Quit begging and start selling.

I sincerely hope this helps. Welcome to the WR.

Personal Narrative
Account Executive
Quit begging and start selling. Appreciate it man🫡
All of that with the best intentions. Hope you get through it. Good luck to you!
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
Why you/why now are the two key questions sales reps have to internalize and thoroughly understand in any sales motion - including that of the job hunt.
ur dad’s brother
This is the whole point of what we do
Personal Narrative
Account Executive
That makes sense, I think that’s why I am where I am today. Thank you for your comment🤝🏽
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
Best of luck to you!
Senior Account Executive
It’s a tough market.

Unfortunately right now, SaaS companies that are hiring are more likely to opt for people with SaaS experience, than take the risk of someone with no SaaS experience

I’ve been selling for 10 or so years, and unfortunately , right now is the worse time to try to get into SaaS.

Not many roles and lots and lots of experienced, and more importantly, good and phenomenal, experiences execs looking for roles

Sorry if this was a downer, just trying to give you real deal. I would suggest taking a job in your industry and waiting it out until the market gets better

Good luck with the job hunt though
Personal Narrative
Account Executive
It certainly is, after everyone’s input I think it’s more on me for not having the necessary skills and or mindset.

Definitely humbling but hey that’s life. I didn’t know the landscape of the industry right now and that makes sense that they’re opting for better individuals.

Thank you for your input, can’t wait to share my success story 🫡
sales engineer
Have you tried Bravado jobs or flex? Are you reaching out to recruiters and hiring managers? Are you networking with friends and former colleagues? Have you had your resume reviewed? Have you looked outside of software ?

There are jobs out there, but you have to be doing the right things. No ones going to hand this to you on a silver platter.
Valued Contributor
Director, Channel Sales & Partner Alliances
Are people getting anything with Bravado Jobs and Flex? 👀
Personal Narrative
Account Executive
I’m new to this but I see they have a lot of part time gigs. I assume it’s not what you’re looking for?
Valued Contributor
Director, Channel Sales & Partner Alliances
I'm looking for anything. Let me go back and search again. Thanks.
WR Officer
Why do companies need to hire you and why now.
Personal Narrative
Account Executive
I think Uncle said that’s the whole point of what we do and it’s true. I have to put my head down and work on the right things. Thank you for your feedback 🤝🏽
ur dad’s brother
Could have a look at this company, they are highly rated on RepVue

ur dad’s brother
Kind of adjacent to your experience
Personal Narrative
Account Executive
Appreciate it Uncle🫡
WR Lieutenant
Pro Skiers are highly skilled, but they can’t transition to being a pro rugby player overnight. They need to learn the skills, work up from a club to a regional to a pro team, and then compete every day for a spot on their side.

You are lightly experienced in Logistics, but that won’t translate to SaaS…at least immediately. Have you considered a BDR role?
Personal Narrative
Account Executive
That makes sense. Some entitlement on my part for sure thinking I would crush it as an AE in a whole different industry. Thank you for your feedback 🤝🏽
Account Executive @ Funemployed
Consider a BDR role like others have suggested or find SaaS that addresses the logistics industry.
Good Citizen
Step by step guide that got me hired 2 weeks after being laid off

1. Identify companies you ACTUALLY want to work for and write the reasons why you want to work there (product market fit, company direction, leadership, industry etc)
2. After you created a list of those companies, go on linkedin and find the following people to create another list: VP of sales, director of sales, sales managers, AE’s.
3. Begin connecting with these people at these companies. Most important part: do your research on these folks and the companies. Use this research in how you message them - and do not ask them for time if you are not offering them anything in return.
4. Create yourself a 30-60-90 day plan and begin sharing it with the leaders who respond to you. This shows your initiative and how serious you are because what sales leaders care about is how fast can you ramp and close deals. Bonus: Have a slide with some kind of deal review to show your process and how you’ve sold complex deals. Also how you sourced the opportunity and strategies in prospecting.
5. Rinse and repeat this until you land an interview. Practice interviews with friends of yours or even AE’s you connect with, you’ll be surprised how many people are willing to help.
6. Don’t give up.

Personal Narrative
Account Executive
This is some good stuff, thank you!
I'm late to the party and others have it covered, but good luck!
Good Citizen
Sales Development Representative
I'm late too, but nothing but gems were dropped in this thread.
Director of Sales NA
I’ve been stewing on this post for the better part of a day now so here’s the input I have for you and it’s a multi pronged approach so take what you will from it.
A) sounds like you’re pretty green (I could be wrong), so use the search bar in the WR to find some sales books/resources on how to better communicate your value. What makes you valuable to a company over others. (Use examples of past successes).
B) do you have a network? If so, use it and use it now. If not, go network.
C) why saas? It’s a very challenging role/lifestyle. Hardware is great. Industries? Medical, industrial? Expand, learn, master and then hit the saas world.

Good luck, markets a bit rough and may stay that way for some time. Even UPS is laying off a ton of folks so there’s a big sign. hunker down and search you will find something.<br>
Personal Narrative
Account Executive
That makes sense, I guess I got sold into the hype of saas by all these people online without realizing what it really takes to get/be there. Thank you for your input can’t wait to share my future wins with you all 🤝🏽
Hey PitchMaestro,

Transitioning industries can certainly be challenging, but your experience in logistics could be a unique asset in the software sales space. Many principles of sales are transferable; it’s about adapting your approach to a new product and audience.

For software sales, demonstrating an understanding of the product’s technical aspects and how it solves specific customer pain points is key. Consider leveraging any tech-related aspects from your logistics role to bridge the gap.

Networking is also invaluable. Engage with software sales communities, reach out to contacts in the field, and consider informational interviews to gain insights and visibility.

Lastly, if you haven’t already, consider updating your resume and LinkedIn profile to highlight skills and experiences that are relevant to software sales, like customer relationship management, complex problem solving, and tech-savviness.

Keep persevering, and remember, every no is one step closer to a yes. Best of luck!
Enterprise Account Executive
Sometimes you have to take 1 step back to move forward. If you are not getting traction applying for AE roles, consider applying for SDR/BDR roles at successful companies.-Make it clear during your interviews that you are coachable/teachable/humble and willing to take SDR role in order to catapult into AE role again. Ask what the the career track looks like for an SDR who comes in and over-performs, then become that guy. Good luck!

Has massive growth ever led to mental breakdown? I have been hustling since 17 years old chasing to strive for success doing odd jobs and unintentionally ended up with Edtech K12 Sales as my first official sales job - A toxic culture with no employee respect eventually me to switch after 18 months. Since reps in Edtech are highly valued, had no option but to continue in Edtech sales. This time it was higher education segment, things looked good in the first few month but slowly it started adapting methodologies like the old Edtech since the management was changed. I decided to move out and switch to B2B SaaS. After 13 months of learning & success, my aspirations weren’t matching with the growth vision shared by my manager and ended up being desperate to switch. Got to a AM-Inside Sales role with a 50% hike. Guess what? It led to my mental break down since the culture is pathetic. In entire journey, all challenges never affected my performance but l am losing the spark to glow and hustle eventually. While I plan to switch, a token of guilt is still alive. The experiences have made me far better and strong as a BDR but blank about the next steps in my career. Thanks for reading. Do share your thoughts.


I’m in the cloud contact center technology space, having a hell of a time getting a second interview, and I think it’s because I am getting stuck. Instead, they do not like my response to the following question “what are your goals with this new role.” Any guidance would be appreciated.


I am actively looking for an Customer Success Manager role. I have a year and half in tech sales. I was hired as a BDR got promoted to an AE. My quota attainment for last quarter was 152.5%. I have been really interested in Customer Success. I appreciate all of the help I can get. TYIA!
