How to move on from a company when you don't feel comfortable doing so

Hey All,

I'm really here looking for some advice on how to take the step of moving on from a company that I feel emotionally tied to. The company I work for was small when I joined and my team have helped it grow exponentially (over 150% growth in 2 years). I am relatively young (25) with over 3 years sales experience (all with this company), the first month or so as BDR while learning the products and the rest as a closing account executive where I have just exceeded target each year (approx $1mm arr in last 2 years), I fell into a lucky situation to get into a closing sales role so quickly.

I have always felt really motivated and tried everything I can to hit quota each month. This drive was due to my belief in my company , products and the people I work with. But since investment was raised recently, the entire company ethos has changed. It is now harder than ever to hit target no matter how much I try. These were raised in Jan without raising salaries / bonuses, (motivation killer) and since then over 60% of the team are not hitting quota consistently, to also add to that their is talk that the company now plan on raising the targets again. (As Company is doing better than ever). Also numerous processes have been brought in to track and hinder us, I could go on all day..

At this stage, my patience and mental health are wearing thin. While I do not get any heat from management over not hitting targets, they are definitely milking me dry and I do not feel the same motivation I felt before.

Overall, I feel like a change is needed but I am afraid to take that step due to the fact I still earn good money and am afraid I may end up in a worse situation if I leave, I have also never left a professional role like this before, just part time roles. I can understand that straight up quitting may be the best option here but its easier said than done.

If anyone here has been in a similar scenario and dealt with it, I would love to hear what actions you took and if anyone else has advice it will be taken on board.

TLDR; Company I work for making it increasingly difficult to sell and hit quota, feel like I need to move, but not confident enough to leave, want advice on how to handle situation / take the step of leaving the company.


🧠 Advice
Enterprise Account Executive
Hey man, I’m not in the exact same scenario as you, but very similar.  

Having thought a lot about this, I think you need to take the leap of faith and switch it up.  Don’t focus on pay as much (within reason) focus more on how the company speaks to you during the interview process and the products they sell.  Ask if they will let you interview a few of their reps or ride along to ensure you’re getting into a sellable space.  Just my 2 cents, but I’m watching this thread.  Good luck!
Head of Business Development
1.  TLDR goes at the top of a too long to read essay. 

2. Only you know what’s best for you and if you’re grinding and feeling unappreciated then that is only going to stack up over time. Start looking at alternatives before you get desperate so that you can be choosy. 

Having worked for 4 starts up, I’ve realized that I’m best in the 3-10 year phase and need to get out before “growth stage company”  Maybe you’re the same where you like being a hero that crushes it. I’d never make it in a company that raises expectations without raising compensation. 
WR Officer
Bitcoin Adoption Specialist
Sounds like it is worth shopping around, but don't leave unless you find an amazing fit.
Director, Solutions Sales
Having conversations with other companies might be a way to vet the market. You may find that you already have the greenest grass.  You may find that there is greener grass elsewhere.  IMHO, you relieve some of that inner pressure by exploring a bit while gainfully employed.
Commercial Product Enablement
I think this is such a common problem when you love your colleagues and the times you've had when it was good are still so clear in your mind.

What you have to remember is the friendships you have made are what you get to keep from a company when you leave.

Putting your day-to-day happiness first, you should be getting that from your work and doing that will land you in a better position!

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