Background: We met a CMO at a conference who was VERY excited about our tool. He's new to the organization and the organization has been in his words "bringing the company out of stone age when it comes to ecommerce"
Talks are going well with the CMO. He likes what he sees on the demo and sees multiple use cases for our tool. Until he brings in his Director of Ecomm and Digital Marketing Manager for a demo (both have been with the organization for 10+ years). For whatever reason the CMO is not on this call.
The demo was met with lackluster enthusiasm and the two didn't see value in our tool. Even though their website looks like it's stuck in the 90's. So this has stalled the deal for the moment.
Has this ever happened to you?
The task: My job is to set up another call with the CMO, which is straight forward. We obviously have the upper hand since the CMO will have final say but ultimately these two dinosaurs are gonna be using the tool, unless the CMO brings in new blood.
My main question is, how should my AE navigate this situation?