Partner is always late to Meetings

Business partner is late to 90% our scheduled planning meetings where we work on clients portfolio and plan. These are not client facing.

How do I get his ass to show up on time and stop wasting my time?

Great recent example. I text him a reminder about the zoom we set up to work on a plan and he said he'd jump in in a few... An hour later...nothing. This happens too often. But he brings in the big clients sooo can't just up and run. So I bring you back to my earlier question.

Thoughts? Strategies?

What to do?

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WR Officer
You need to have a direct conversation and then follow up with a written summary.  Let it be shown you are documenting everything. 
Big Shot
Senior Account Executive
I feel 1st and 3rd answers are quite the same.
I'd prefer to have a frank call with him.

Also in that call schedule it at 1 time and arrive 1 hour late and see how he feels about it.
Good Citizen
Investment Advisor
I want to do the late arrival everytime we have a meeting. But its against my nature to be late to anything. 

It's literally one of my biggest pet peeves....don't be late to a scheduled meeting. Doesn't matter if it's your dentist, lawyer, or client.  
Account Executive
Tell him the meeting is an hour earlier than it is so when he shows up late, he's on time ! :-P 

Jokes aside though, as everyone else said, you could just talk to him about it. 
WR Officer
Have you tried having a frank conversation with him about this? Telling him his being late is wasting valuable company time. Instead of sitting around waiting for him, you could be doing valuable work.

At first I thought you were going to say he was 5-10 min late...but an hour?! Unless there was some kind of legitimate emergency, being an hour late to a meeting is super unprofessional and insulting to your schedule/time. 
Good Citizen
Investment Advisor
It's a common thing. I would go as far as to indicate that time management is a contributing factor to his pending divorce. 

I will add I have mentioned to him more than once about being late and having poor communication. So it's not like this brief conversation has been avoided.
Manager, Outbound Sales
Well you have to understand why he’s late, missing meetings and such. 

If he’s bringing in big clients it’s perhaps not that he doesn’t care.

Does he see value in the time you put aside to work with him? Do the things you plan to talk about matter to him?

As someone who has back to backs everyday, all day, I’m very selective with who I give my time to. That’s said, simply not showing up without reason isn’t acceptable. There’s a degree of professionalism that needs to be upheld. 

Talk to your partner.

In-Person Meetings? Now or Too Late

44% Yes
38% No
18% If you don’t someone else will!
34 people voted

Time Zones and Early Meetings


When the set prospect whose meeting has been planned and booked by SDR does not join on time and expects the same 1 hour, would you or won't you lend?
