Shopify CEO Email

Word came out the other day about an email the Shopify CEO wrote over the summer. For some reason, it's causing a bit of controversy. I think salespeople get disillusioned from the "company as a family" notion quicker than most other roles.

I personally don't get why people think there is anything particularly unique in this email but was wondering if anybody else in the WR felt otherwise.
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WR Officer
Seems totally reasonable to me. I for one am tired of businesses claiming the "we're a family" stance, and am extra tired of businesses that have leaders who focus more on being woke/pushing their political agendas than the actual product/service they sell. 
WR Officer
"Family" means cult and you will be worked to death for the least pay.
WR Lieutenant
A-fucking-men to this email. I love this paragraph particularly:

"We will always have compassion for team members in truly difficult situations. For example, those who find themselves suddenly becoming primary caregivers or those who are struggling with mental health issues. There are also second chances, especially for those who have been top performers before. Outside of those cases we need to remind everyone that like any other competitive (sports) team, it matters how you show up every day and contribute to the team’s success. Beyond straight performance output, everyone that engages in endless Slack trolling, victimhood thinking, us-vs-them divisiveness, and zero sum thinking must be seen for the threat they are: they break teams. Teams survive and thrive on the actions of the collective, and the cohesiveness of the whole. Poor performance and divisiveness cannot be tolerated. "

You are not my brother, sister, father or mother. I do not bleed the same blood as you, so stop acting like I owe you favors to cover up your bad performance. Get the job done, or get out. No two ways about it.
WR Officer
I second your a-fucking-men. I think there's a fine line between supporting employees during difficult times and letting difficult times become an excuse for everything from showing up late, to underperforming, to having a bad attitude. Employers and co-workers shouldn't be expected to give a free pass to Joe for being a dickhead in the meeting just because he has a mental health issue, fuck that.
Call me what you want, just sign the damn contract
Yeah, that paragraph to me is gold. No, we don't have to bend over backwards because you suck or because you're looking to cause problems.
Channel Sales
Fuckin A couldnt have said it better myself.

Anyone that legitimately drinks the company koolaid is doing themselves a disservice, all it takes is one round of cuts and you’re out the door. 

Business is just that, business. If you’re going to moan and bellyache about not being able to do a cushy white collar job because of shit that everyone I guarantee you goes through, and worse, you are in for a very rude awakening. I dont subscribe to the idea that millennials or what have you are any bigger “snowflakes” than previous gens, but god damn its the real world. You are an adult and your days of handholding are over and the sooner you realize that and the more proactive you are the better off you will be.
WR Officer
Bitcoin Adoption Specialist
I loved the email. You might have a particular co-worker that is like family, but to think the entire company is a family is wrong in 99.9% of cases. If they stopped paying you would you show up to work? Hell no
Big Shot
Regional Sales Director
Yes. Entire org, to think like one, difficult

Hell yes, never can that be acceptable in terms of no pay. Spot on and agree with you
WR Officer
Bitcoin Adoption Specialist
Thanks VKN! Appreciate it
Director of Sales
This is why I love the War Room. I hadn’t heard about this, but it’s pure gold. It puts into words what I’ve been struggling to verbalize to my teams. 

Thank you for sharing! 
Account Executive
It's a tough balance. You want your company to be loyal and sometimes feel like family, but ultimately I agree it's a for profit business and will need to make decisions accordingly
Big Shot
Enterprise Account Executive
Accurate and fair.

He has to take this stance as a world leader - good on him.

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