Well, by the end of last week, I couldn't be more excited.
After being on the job hunt for four months, I completed the final round interview with the CRO, where I successfully shared my 30-60-90 day plan.
I was told they got it down to three candidates and that I was the top choice after each round. The team's only debates were based on whether the other two candidates ranked 2nd or 3rd.
I spoke with the recruiter, who wanted my commitment to the role. He even asked for my address to send a company computer and wanted my T-shirt size for all the cool swag.
He mentioned it might take some time to get the official letter out, for it needed to be checked by their legal team, and the sales team was headed out to a tradeshow this week.
Instead of getting a message with an attachment, I got an email this morning saying they decided to move in a different direction.
It was all there. It was nice getting to go into the weekend and realizing all the hard work I put in was finally paying off.
To hear that I was a top choice throughout the process was a breath of fresh air and helped me get past all the no's I've received along the way.
I'm fully aware that nothing is official until there is pen to paper on an agreement, but this has got to be an all-time low.