Update: Bloodwork came back normal, could my job be leading to me feeling drained?

Following up from my thread below:


Got my bloodwork done and it all came back normal. Doctor even said it is one of the healthier blood tests he has sign and this is a guy who went to a top 20 medical school. Still, I feel so drained to the point that I have to force myself to get up in the morning, nap after work, and do not feel the high energy me I used to feel.

I have a few massive deals in the pipeline that are set to close next month but all else about work sucks for me. I live with a ton of uncertainty where I literally have no idea on what to do about something and the manager is too busy to really tell us what we can or cannot do for a customer during a salescycle. Then the fact that outside of a handful of people, I do not get along most folks on my team.

Like today, I had to take a long nap after work because my VP was 15 minutes late to our meeting and said he might reschedule it but to remain prepared in case he has it. My manager occasionally skips our 1 on 1s and I am left wondering wtf is happening. I have had internal people cancel a meeting last second for something. It's borderline unprofessional IMO, wtf.

Anyone ever see their energy levels skyrocket after they left a work environment that was less than ideal?

🙏 Mental Wellness
☁️ Software Tech
WR Officer
Retired King of the Coors Knights
Where do you live? That honestly sounds a lot like seasonal depression to me. I’ve had that happen before and a combination of getting more vitamin D and, in the end, changing jobs, helped a fuck ton
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
Good call out.  SAD is a real thing.
Notable Contributor
War Room Community Manager
curious, do you have / follow a proper routine?
Certified Savage
+1. I feel the happies and most fulfilled when I have my routine on point.

Working out daily, reading/taking courses, eating tons of healthy shit, and keeping my goals present every single day. 

If I stop doing this I literally turn into a different person. An ugly one. 
WR Officer
Yes. Talk to a therapist. Also have you looked into changing jobs?
Big Shot
Rolling 20's all day
Going somewhere new and changing habits at the same time will be night and day. It was for me.

Like CoorsKing said, could be SAD, and not the good SAD (sales are dope)
You should 100% speak to a mental health professional.

Everyone could use one, and us Savages even more so.

Get to the bottom of why you're feeling this way and take care of yourself!

Should it be up to your employer to decided when people start coming back into the office?


Half Baked…….. So I’m getting ready to quit my job and I’m looking for some suggestions. I want to go out creative and memorable just like Cuban B from Half Baked. Thought’s, Concerns???
