Advice or Thoughts?

hey everyone - I'm about 1.5 yrs into my role as an Ae at a large software company. we sell a relatively expensive, complex product with multiple decision makers and deal cycles anywhere from 1-6 months 

I started off first 6-8 months really well, I've typically been a top performer and take my role seriously, I know sales is all ups and downs and how important it is to try to focus on the process not the outcome.

that being said, the past 6 months or so seems like it has been all bad, to the point where it is almost funny. it seems like every possible thing that can go wrong, goes wrong. I have continued to put in the work that I did when I was performing better, if not more. I feel like I've improved in other aspects of the job as well...but literally everything seems to be going wrong and I don't know why, starting to go a little crazy.

I've had multiple deals push, ghost, lost for reasons out of my control, and also had clawbacks on previous deals for reasons that are mostly out of my control as well. it's gotten to the point where my morale is extremely low and I am constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I know dry spells will happen, but I've been telling myself that for the past few months and not much has changed. my manager is great and sees the work I put in and is encouraging, but it is still tough to convince myself there are better days ahead sometimes with my recent luck. I continue to put in the work every day, but I can see my motivation starting to fall off a little bit.

I'm constantly stressed and honestly not a pleasure to be a around a lot of the time due to my performance haha. I really like my job but the past few months have been horrible and I feel like I've aged 30 years.

anyone have any advice on going thru a rough patch like this and how to deal with stress etc so it doesn't affect your life outside of work? any advice or tips are much appreciated!
🧠 Advice
👑 Sales Strategy
☁️ Software Tech
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
This has been an awful year for a lot of us. Long sales cycles have gotten longer, projects have gotten deferred, reorgs have put a hold on things. It has been supremely rough. You have my sympathy.

If you can get some support from your manager as Kosta recommends, that would be great. Focus on controlling what you can control. Your manager should be able to help you get your arms around those things.

Finally, be kind to yourself. This is a challenging time. You are going to get through this.
WR Officer
Sales Rep
I would be asking for tangable advice from your manager, prep your 1:1s with what you are currently doing and have them build you a plan. Reconnect with top performers to see if they are doing anything different
But the main thing is to take care of your mentals. Do more walks, less technology, write down weekly goals and track progress to feel a sense of accomplishment, and overall just be nice to yourself, sales is tough
Director, Revenue Enablement
@Kosta_Konfucius provides some solid advice.

Don’t stress too much much. Nearly everyone you talk to right now is dealing with the same issues. Sales is a huge mental game. When you are in a negative space your performance will follow. Look for ways to get little wins instead of focusing on the final number.
Nothing to add but "yeah, what he said." All of the above. This likely won't be your last dry run either. Hopefully, you'll find a way to improve through straight, unbridled feedback. Then you can make sure it was your longest. Keep fighting.
Yeah take the day off, relax from work go do something you enjoy, take a Friday or a Monday off don’t check emails give go to a spa or something. Depending on where you live def recommend miraval, spend a weekend there you’ll feel so refreshed and relaxed and you’ll come back with a new mindset that’s optimistic rather than thinking oh this prospect is just gonna ghost me again. But it’s been a tough year for a lot of pple don’t beat yourself up too much but take a day if you need to
Retired Sales Professional
I might sound like a broken record, but reward yourself, you work hard, there were ups and downs but you never gave up, boots to ground you remained. So give yourself some well earned down time, then once you have done so. Then turn around and take the bull by the horn and 2024 like it owes you money. All the best.
yeah, dont grind yourself into oblivion. Sometimes just enjoy the fruits of your labour
Big Shot
Account Executive
"My advice to you is to start drinking heavily" - Animal House classic.
In all seriousness, the best way to deal with this is to try and separate your personal life from the work life. Your work will fire you in a heartbeat say they're sorry and all but then they replace you in a week... Find a hobby, go on a weekend-long trip to the DR.
Enterprise Account Executive
Feel the same bro



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