Any advice getting into becoming a sales specialist?

I love learning new things and definitely want to become a product expert. Just curious if anyone has any advice on how to achieve this goal?

🎈 Mentorship
WR Officer
Learn everything you can about the product. Live it, breathe it, study it more. Do extra research and interview other specialists outside of your company. Go further than your internal training. Show the initiative and drive. Make yourself the unofficial expert. JMO. 
Account Executive
Not to wax too philosophical but if you think the human psyche is inherently fascinating, I think the psychology of selling is such a big intersection into understanding what drives people, their perception of value and the social contracts in place that tethers everything together leading up to a decision.

I think if you look at sales from this lens, you'll never be bored and you'll be driven to understand this better, not only for your career but for your own personal growth as well.

Maybe that's a reach and I'm just trying to attribute more self importance to the role than is perhaps deserved... But... ya know... Fuck you, I'm in sales. Obviously I'm going to weave a story for myself that tries to escalate value. Come on.

Further to this I'd point to 2 things that would be helpful:

1. Be comfortable with getting out of your comfort zone because that's just part of the process to go from Product Zero to Product Hero
2. Trial by fire. If you're just starting out your sales career, this is the time to get all the mistakes out of your system. If you're not failing, you're not learning.
Notable Contributor
CMO (Chief Meme Officer)
If you're willing to go that far, just become a Sales Engineer. High pay, low stress. 

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Would you become a sales consultant?
41% Hells yeah
56% If the comp was right... sure
3% No way, never
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