Detained Sales Director

Gang, I'm new to Bravado so I ask for your patience with my etiquette/language/format/etc.

I am having a hell of a time finding a new role, coming recently from a 2-year Director of Sales position with a hardare+app solution. I've made it through multiple multi-round interview processes for both Sr. IC and Director roles, but no offers.

At this point, I'm feeling some sort of imposter syndrome and as if I'm not capable of landing another Director/Manager role. Most SaaS companies are passing because, I think, I'm coming from a hardware+app solution. I've worked in bleeding tech for years; network IT, cinema tech, media workflows, digital asset management, etc.

I'm reaching out to seek advice and group-source some feedback.

The startup I was with ended up closing its doors for a number of reasons, and has left me at a loss because I put my heart and soul into building the sales unit. I was essentially the only sales person, built the global VAR/Disti channel, handles SMB-Enterprise sales, Strategic relationships with partners, rolled out SFDC and admin'd, owned sales integration tools, and was a big part of the GTM strategy for new markets.

So whats the problem? My interview pipeline has been packed since the departure. I'm burnt out. I've had between 2-5 interviews/wk for several months running, but no offers. One crushing "we're going to pass", but otherwise strong interest. Between research, notes preparing and putting decks together, I'm pounding my head on the keyboard. From the small bits of feedback I get, most of the companies I've met with end up shifting internally so they can promote multiple sales people. Understandable, of course.

Patience and thick skin aside, I'm feeling defeated. I need a kick in the ass from like-minded pro's like you all.

Feels vulnerable to post this, but I'd love to hear feedback from the group.

🎈 Mentorship
👥 Hiring
🧢 Sales Management
WR Officer
You're obviously gifted and qualified.  

Shift from the facts of your resume and sell your VALUE. You are the product. 

Why do they need you and why do they need you right now?

I guarantee you will land a job once you get this down. Good luck. We are rooting for you!
Sales Director
I appreciate you and this feedback @CuriousFox. Wise words and advice I will heed around my value. 
No marketing, mayo isn't an MQL
Keep your head up! You've got this.

Echo what the one and only @CuriousFox said - if they're worried about the transition go back to basics and sell the value of that most recent experience in a SaaS setting/framework. 

Hard to lose out on some internal promos, has that been happening with external recruiters as well? 
Sales Director
@InQ5WeTrust Can’t agree more. The internal promos aren’t as frequent with external recruiter sourced roles, no. Thanks for taking time to read this post. I’m brand new here, and deeply appreciate the feedback.
They call me Daddy, Sales Daddy
I have been there. Was once out of work for 9 months. So I know it can be crushing in so many ways.
Glad to see you’re hitting it hard. Of course it difficult to share that work ethic with a prospective employer.
You will land a job. There’s no doubt in my mind that will happen. Your work ethic will make it happen.
Take a long weekend. Most companies are off on Monday in the US. Disconnect and be ready Tuesday to hit it hard again.
Sales Director
@PachacutiThanks for this, appreciate you. I didn't realize the holiday was coming up - thanks for this reminder. How did you manage to keep your sanity during that 9 month period? 
They call me Daddy, Sales Daddy
Sanity?  What's that? lol

Worked out  nearly  every day.  Dedicated time every day to the job search.  Took some sanity days though.  I was blessed with the support of a great spouse.  

I spent time customizing my resume for each job and really dug into the prospective employers I wanted to work for, or if a job popped up out of nowhere, I made sure my resume didn't get lost in the ATS software.  Really took advantage of my sales prospecting skills.  

But I was so close so many times.  Really hurt when I came in #2 for several positions.  Rarely got feedback.  Really sucked.  

But I never lost hope.  I knew my value and that I would soon find a company which valued what I could bring to them.  I did.  And so will you.
Sales Director
@Pachacuti All great points. I need to follow suit on filtering out some prospective employers and honing my personal value story. Glad to hear you landed on your feet and that you weren't alone in the process. Thanks for sharing your story
Big Shot
Rolling 20's all day
We have all felt imposter syndrome, so don't feel alone! This is a big reason to remember what you have accomplished.
It is encouraging to see you have made it to many final rounds, I know that many companies are being extra selective even though it is a hot market. 
Everyone is hiring, BUT everyone is being extra careful.

My recommendation is similar to @CuriousFox 's, you need to hyper-position your abilities for each individual company/position. What can you bring to the table and how will you accomplish X,Y,Z goals?
If you haven't developed a 30-60-90 plan (which you can edit for each company), then have one in your pocket.

You will find something great, just go back to your roots and prepare the fuck out of your answers. Confidence is KEY!
Sales Director
@DungeonsNDemos Appreciate this feedback and suggestions. Hyper focusing on abilities and how to accomplish goals is key. I've got a modified 30/60/90 response for any point in the interviewing process, but it could be re-worked. I think I have slightly burnt myself out on the preparation, and perhaps it's starting to rear its head during interviews. Struggling to find the balance.. and my confidence is lower than normal (needless to say). Thanks for these notes, I appreciate it 
Old post. Hopefully OP has found his way, but hang in there, you got this!!
Sales Director
Appreciate the kind words JCC. I ended up partnering with a revenue partner about 6mo ago, running the SMB motion. Thanks for stopping by to read this.

Differences between sales manager & sales director?

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Sales Director or Senior AE?
