How to Deal with Constant Criticism from Boss?

Things are getting better at my current company - booked a bunch more meetings and I'm starting to understand more about what makes people tick in my industry.

However, my boss is still giving constant negative criticism and it's bugging the shit out of me. My boss is French, so it might be a cultural thing but not sure. It's also always something pretty small for example:

  1. Pulled me in a slack huddle today to ask why I was disqualifying contacts in Hubspot for the reason of "wrong department" versus "out of scope"
  2. Told me I was being unprofessional for giving a slight chuckle at the end of a few calls
  3. Questioning me about performing tasks that were not blocked off in my calendar OR tasks that were supposed to be done earlier/later in the day
  4. Micromanagy about unenrolling people from certain sequences and enrolling them in others --> will basically challenge me if a few contacts are in the wrong place (need for perfect data)
  5. Comments on my calls consistently (which is great!) BUT always very negative/judgy comments like telling me I shouldn't do this or that it's unprofessional to do that
  6. Tells me to keep my voice down while on cold calls on the sales floor
  7. Got annoyed at me for sending a screenshot of a prospect's page in hubspot as opposed to a link in hubspot, then pulled me into an internal meeting discussing how I'm bad at internal communication and need to make it easier for HER to help ME
  8. Very little positive encouragement for sucesses/wins

All of the above to me are basically escalating minor issues that either could be left alone or way better handled IMO. I just want her to gtfo my case, let me do my job, and be a resource for me if I'm not.

I'm not perfect. I do make mistakes constantly and I have acknowledged that to her. I'd just like to be penalized for mistakes that actually are mistakes, not just minor imperfections.

How would ya'll approach this?

🧢 Sales Management
✌️ Growing Pains
💆‍♂ Mindset
WR Lieutenant
Welcome to my life right now.
WR Officer
LEGIT was about to tag you
Live Filthy or Die Clean
I think a bunch of these are red flags and there is probably some personal/at home issues that this person is taking out at work trying to have everything 'perfect'. if the job is worth it, than just smile and nod and do w/e you think works and know that you'll hear shit but who cares if there is just bark and no bite.

If there are some teeth to the negative comments and criticism than that's another issue - I believe that either way you should pull your boss and explain that you aren't a child and your both adults and the attitude and constant negativity isn't anything you need on top of the quota/work requirements.

On top of all of this, start putting the resume out, speak with some other departments/HR (if relevant) to see if this is standard with this individual or if you somehow gotten lucky with the ire.

Best of luck, some people you just learn to work with and/or avoid, or ignore. Others you get as far away from as you can as they are black fucking hole and will suck the light and life out of you and leave you in the void. Sales is hard enough w/o someone breathing and shitting down your neck on ticky-tack shit that isn't an obstacle to you hitting KPIs.
Enterprise SDR
A little concerned about the bark/bite thing because I don't think I'm doing well enough to talk back to her.
Also - in her defense - I pretty much slacked off for a two week period about a month ago where my boss/CEO had a sit down with me and told me to shape up. That being said, I've never not been a hard worker; the problem is that I didn't really have motivation to succeed when not seeing success myself + constant criticism from manager regardless of success.
So, tldr: I'm pretty sure my manager thinks I'm somewhat incompetent of doing this job, but I'm not really given the tools to succeed well.
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
Based on this, unfortunately, you're going to be in for it for a bit until the pressure is off from above. Right now, you're on a hot seat, and I'm going to bet you are causing some heartburn for her from the CEO. My suggestion is to ignore the minor comments, make sure everything else is letter perfect, and see if the pressure comes off a bit as you move past the issues you had a month ago.
Director of Revenue
I think this is your answer. If you put yourself in their crosshairs, of course they're going to be overtly micromanaging. Ngl, if I had gotten called out for slacking off by the CEO, I would assume every little complaint like this would be documentation that would back up the inevitable PIP.
Big Shot
🦜☠️ Account Executive
Micromanagers are a nightmare. You could involve her in everything, ask her opinion about every email or bcc her in, try to change what's she told you to change, be serious and maybe invite her for a coffee and just say look you know it was your fault for slacking off and you really appreciate her help but you feel you're not doing much right at the moment and just want to be sure this is getting you somewhere. I've dealt with a few micromanagers and they were female and it's like they lacked all emotional intelligence that I expected from them to have. But when I confronted them, they had no idea they had been doing it.
Big Shot
Account Executive
Ok, I've read through this. Here is the feedback I would provide to you
- This manager seems to be on the newer side of having reports
- Have you brought up to her that the way she provides feedback to you causes some disengagement when there is potentially a better way to receive the feedback and get better. you realize you aren't perfect. There's a way for this to be handled so that you can forge ahead.
- This one is going to be annoying but do the things that she asks as opposed to resisting because then if it doesn't work you can say, I'm doing the things you told me to do and it doesn't seem to be helping
- Lastly, there's always other opportunities out there so ride it out unless it becomes unbearable.
Enterprise SDR
Spot on about new reports. This is her first role where she is managing people, I think.
I have brought this up to her but moreso around the lines of: You're constantly mad at me --> I keep trying to fix things but it's never good enough for you --> how can I get to a point where we can positively coexist?
The third point: I'm guilty of this. The stuff she tells me to do, oftentimes, is just dumb. Like rambling on for a minute on a cold call introducing my company. But why not just do it and prove her wrong? Gotta swallow my own ego.
Big Shot
Account Executive
It is all in the presentation to her, "Hey miss lady, I'd love to be able to work with you to improve, are we able to create specific focus areas and build on it together? For example we pick out a part of calls that you like/didn't like and follow-up next week to discuss how the feedback was implemented? it seems like there's some great focus areas that you have and by narowing the focus it seems like we can knock this out in a scaleable way."
Sales Director
Confronting them is the best bet. Do it in a positive way, but say “I am trying hard but you make me feel like I am doing almost nothing correctly, could you give me a few positive pointers and some positive feedback between all of this negative feedback and hammering on me all day long?”
You need to be blunt and call them out directly. If you don’t, this shit will continue and you will hate this place. If it does continue after you bring it up, then they are a huge dick and time to look elsewhere.
Personal Narrative
Business Development Manager
I didn't read through it all thoroughly but two books that help me navigate these situations>
Boundaries by Henry Cloud
Crucial Conversations
Account executive
do your best to address the criticism assuming its good faith but if you make the change and they're still riding your ass just learn to let it slide. unfortunate but you cant do much about your boss unless you have access to theirs
This is cultural. It ain't gonna change. bahhhh
Sales Director
Is there anyone else you can get feedback from? Not to go above your manager or anything. Just curious.
Retired Sales Professional
We are all imperfect but what are you doing to improve those imperfections. You say that you constantly make mistakes and have approached her on them, but what have you done to improve.

You don't take ownership of your mistakes by just saying you acknowledged them, you take ownership by improving on them. If they are minor then it should not take long to improve on them.

It's obvious that she is a micro manager, so make your life at work a bit less hectic by not giving her any ammo. Be the bigger person. All the best. 👍👍

How do you deal with a client or prospect who wants to discuss politics?


SalesGPT - How to deal with shit manager?


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