I’ve been shook with this over employment movement. It’s definitely real, but are any sales savages taking part in this?

My edit and update to this post:

I'm on the detractor side of over employment for sales people, but hardly anyone is playing devil's advocate in the comments. It's became quite an echo chamber here. Because of that I am going to do a SWOT analysis so we can really dig into the feasibility of this for sales.


  • More income with two base salaries, stock options, company perks, and commission isn't what it used to be in this tech recession.
  • This seems contradictory, but less stress because if one of your boss' is on your ass, at least you know you have diversified your ability to hold a full time job if you aren't able to come together with that boss.
  • Hard and loyal workers get punished with more work. "Maybe if I work hard, go above and beyond and never take any time off, my company will appreciate it and reward me." Bullshit. You are a line on a spreadsheet. I've built annual sales plans with investors involved and have seen this first hand.
  • You find out that you were hood winked in the recruiting process and got yourself into an awful organization? You gotta keep that tenure so stick it out for two years, or quit and just work at your other job, and remove this job from your resume.
  • How often are offers being rescinded, just after you gave your two weeks notice to your employer? This is disastrous, and by taking the offer while not giving in your 2 weeks notice, gives you the ability to trial out the new gig to see which of the two jobs you wish to keep.


  • Extreme risk of burnout if you treat over employment as being two 40 full time jobs. Impossible, or at the very least detrimental to your mental health and relationships.
  • Extreme paranoia. Two monitors? Meetings potentially happening simultaneously? Needing to have camera off, muting on one meeting and then meeting on the other? Conflicting travel to be in the field? This thought gives me ulcers.
  • Potentially finding less fulfillment in driving impact for a mission you might believe in. With two jobs (or 3 or 4 jobs if you are a coked out lunatic) you would begin to view your jobs as "clients."


  • Freedom and flexibility - similar benefits to being in a FIRE position.
  • Asshole of a boss? Or incoming layoff? Who cares, you have another job and won't be jump hunting for 3-6 months in this economy.
  • The key to all of this is having an exit, or end goal. Is over employment sustainable long term? No idea, I haven't done it, but I highly doubt that it is sustainable long term. The goal should be to do it until you are out of debt, until you reach your net worth goal in investments, until you take $30k for cocaine and strippers in Vegas, buy a rental for passive income, etc.
  • Much faster track to accumulating wealth to then invest in the stock market to expedite your retirement.
  • More money more opportunities. Be able to go all in on the business you wanted to start, become an angel investor, etc.
  • If looking at a start up for a potential exit, you are doubling your odds (even though we all know those odds are still very, very low).


  • This one is very scary. Sales requires LinkedIn. The rule for non-sales people who do unemployment is to hibernate their LinkedIn. This looks sketchy when LinkedIn is such a pivotal part of sales.
  • If you are discovered executing over employment, it could torch your brand. To mitigate this risk you ONLY could ever do it with remote roles, and try and do it with smaller companies that are well out of your home state.
  • It's just too much and you end up getting fired by both jobs, or you become a cuck investing for your wives boyfriend.
👀 job search
🙃 Remotework
☁️ Software Tech
Consensus says it can’t last and won’t end well. I think the right 2 jobs can be managed. Just haven’t found the right 2 or I’d give it a swing.
Big Shot
Enterprise Account Executive
I’ve done fractional side roles but idk how feasible it is for two true quota carrying senior roles.

Would be curious to hear from anyone whose been successful with it.
sales engineer
Yeah maybe two non sales remote roles could be done? But if your an individual contributor I feel like it would catch up to you
Big Shot
Enterprise Account Executive
It did for me even with part time inbound lead flow only.
AE (Account Executive)
care to elaborate? i’m curious
WR Officer
I would like to try a side gig 🤷‍♀️
sales engineer
Sales Rep
So it depends how much bandwidth and what would happen if your lose both. How long is your runway if shit its the fan
Personal Narrative
Head of Sales
Very well said and I agree.
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
Just thinking about it makes me tired. Working full time and managing a family … it’s rough.
Oh man... I can't even imagine. I'm getting a decent amount of sleep, especially considering little man is just about 2 months, but I'm still SO DAMN EXHAUSTED
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
And my kids are both out of the house at university - but I'm dealing with a temporarily laid up family member and home construction. A bunny has to get some rest!
Yeah buddy. The home demands are way real.
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
And honestly super important. Yes, providing for the family is crucial. And I understand the desire to provide the best. But - providing for the family includes your time. Your presence. Your being in the moment and not locked in an office working or distracted by calls.
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
I miss having this kind of energy!
sales engineer
i think it's possible however, for how long.
Live Filthy or Die Clean
Hard to find one let alone two worthwhile remote jobs right now IMO unless I'm just not looking at the right spots (also I'm perusing casually versus NEED a job).
Personal Narrative
Head of Sales
It is the worst time, period, to be looking for two worthwhile remote jobs. The path of least resistance would be to have your normal full time job, and then look at Upwork, Toptal, Crossmark, Fiverr, etc.
A mfkn E
i did for a couple months - nice while it lasted but ended up going bust with both gigs
Bravado's Resident Asshole
I've worked 2 jobs a few times in my life and each ended up with some serious burnout. It gets really hard to balance and keep your head on straight.
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
And if you're doing it for the money, you're giving yourself zero time to use it and enjoy it.
Bravado's Resident Asshole
EXACTLY! It's not like at those times I was even making decent money. Two full-time jobs in college and still broke at all times. There were times when I was consistently working 90-100 hours a week after college with nothing left over except depression..
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
Well, I think in this discussion, the roles being considered are each able to support someone. But if you're working just this hard to make a ton of money, wtf are you going to do with it with all the time you don't have to spend it? Crazy.
And the days of working min wage and multiple hours to get by...are the things that remind you how far you've come.
Bravado's Resident Asshole
They are definitely memories of the bittersweet kind.
Been there... Seemed like I was always 1500 bucks away from freedom.
Enterprise Account Executive
No way i could do 2 jobs, I`ve also rejected offers for side gigs but maybe that`s just me, and this was before i had kids. Now, with toddler twins there`s no way I`m even considering taking on another assignment..
I cannot imagine. However, I did consult on the side before I got laid off.
Big Shot
Account Executive - Mid enterprise
Overemployment - I feel this is a very shallow term. If somebody has the bandwidth, is able to do justice to a consultancy gig for example and a full time role; they should do so.
If they see their life going to ruins because of overworking, they would stop themselves of somebody would fire their ass.
Personal Narrative
Head of Sales
The comments seemed to be a bit of an echo chamber, so I edited the post and added in a SWOT analysis. I'd love to see what everyone thinks and to hear their counter arguments.
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
Since you added your edits:
Two jobs, too risky.
Your employers hire you to work for them and be available during work hours. If you're doing two full time jobs at the same time, that's not possible. It's theft.
Personal Narrative
Head of Sales
But it’s okay for executives to have 3-4 different jobs? Do you realize how common it is for C-Suite to have a full time gig, an Advisor position, a spot on Board (average pay for this is 250k and they meet only quarterly), and some times a Fractional C-Suite gig on top of that? Very common for C-Suite to have 3-5 jobs.

I’m sorry, but you need to get a better understanding of corporate America, because you have been duped if you really feel that “It’s theft.” Are all of the C-Suite thieves then?

Especially in sales, is it about time with your butt in seat, or is it based on the outcomes that you are delivering?

I don’t mean to come across too strong, but this is a boomer take and you have omitted any nuance. Workplace loyalty was warranted when working for a company could get you a house and two cars, and a pension to have you set until you are 6 feet under.

If you think that is the world that we are living in now, then you’ve missed the 1% taking all of the spoils, and you’ve missed actions taken by Enron and others. I’d advise you to practice nuance and to look at both sides of an issue, and to take a look at the real world.
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
Appreciate the downvote. Telling me that I have to have a better understanding of corporate America is pretty entertaining.LOL, no - these executives legitimately have those roles.However, when an IC is hired for a FT role, they're hired as an IC for a full time role. Most companies have very, very specific rules about this. Advisory positions, board positions, etc., are extremely different than holding a JOB at a company that hired you to do a JOB on their terms.
Also, "boomer take" is a pretty stale insult. Particularly when I'm not a boomer, even though I will admit I do make jokes about being old. But thanks for the invite to look for nuance and insight. LOL.
Here's the thing about this particular tirade. You don't really have any idea who you are spewing your mismanaged rage at. But first, can we dissect the echo chamber comment? There's a reason you ran into a big brick wall. It's called consensus.

Then, your GPT SWOT spew as support for your argument robbed you of all credibility. Listen, you have a right to your opinion. But when an assembly of some of the finest in the field disagree with you, it's better to just stfu.
This revision is just a bad look. Fuckoff now, k?
Personal Narrative
Head of Sales
You lost me at “when an assembly of some of the finest in the field disagree with you..” “And fuckoff now, k?” You think pretty highly of yourself for someone who is so easily triggered. I’m sorry life is so hard for you at the moment to be acting like this with strangers on the internet.

You do realize I lean towards thinking it’s not right for sales, right? And that I stated this? You do realize what nuance is, right? Oh, and did you notice that some people took this as an opportunity to act as adults and to analyze both sides of a situation? It’s keyboard warriors like you that are married to their opinions and who probably have one source of information that they go to for their news. You exhibit the echo chamber mentality to be so triggered over an opinion that I ain’t married to.

To be the best I’d advise you to learn nuance and how to be civil, and to be married to values, not to your opinions.

Have a nice day and go take a walk or go to therapy.
I lost you at the beginning and the end? Why do you get lost easily? Try less ChatGPT, Mr nuance, and more critical thinking.
"Triggered" and "keyboard commando"? Did you Google stale clapbacks from Twitter in 2013?
Echo chamber gone. You're now in your own empty room. Keep screaming.
I'm open to a side gig with the potential to transition into it if it drives enough income to help me launch that business idea I've been cooking for a while
Good Citizen
Enterprise Account Executive
I don't see the issue with this. And let's stop calling it 'over employment'. It's NOTHING of the sort. If you had a job in retail or something similar it would just be called 'having 2 jobs'
As long as you can do BOTH roles justice there is NOTHING wrong with it. Also, as long as there is nothing in your employment contract prohibiting it.
People saying otherwise, or trying to make people feel guilty for having 2 jobs need to sit.down. Stop acting like you own the company, who, would get rid of you TODAY if they felt like it, and they wouldn't bat an eye. Just ask alllllll the people victims of layoffs this year.
There is no loyalty from companies, why should we give them any? To answer your other question, I know a LOT of sales people doing this. Again, if there is nothing in your employment contract otherwise, keep it quiet and do what you want to do.
Members only

I literally feel this, that Sales/Business Development roles are underrated, what's your take folks ?

Members only

Have you ever taken a pay cut for a job you actually like, or have you ever turned one down to remain in a job you don't enjoy? Seeking advice.


Has massive growth ever led to mental breakdown? I have been hustling since 17 years old chasing to strive for success doing odd jobs and unintentionally ended up with Edtech K12 Sales as my first official sales job - A toxic culture with no employee respect eventually me to switch after 18 months. Since reps in Edtech are highly valued, had no option but to continue in Edtech sales. This time it was higher education segment, things looked good in the first few month but slowly it started adapting methodologies like the old Edtech since the management was changed. I decided to move out and switch to B2B SaaS. After 13 months of learning & success, my aspirations weren’t matching with the growth vision shared by my manager and ended up being desperate to switch. Got to a AM-Inside Sales role with a 50% hike. Guess what? It led to my mental break down since the culture is pathetic. In entire journey, all challenges never affected my performance but l am losing the spark to glow and hustle eventually. While I plan to switch, a token of guilt is still alive. The experiences have made me far better and strong as a BDR but blank about the next steps in my career. Thanks for reading. Do share your thoughts.
