It's story time! Episode 1

Let me tell you a story.

There was a woman named Anna (sorry to all Annas out here). She graduated from a college and got a job right after. She was always ambitious, but not too aggressive at that.

  • The company she joined, let's call it "Company A", was way too aggressive, stringent, process driven and too mechanical in nature. very little scope for creativity. She loved the work, dreaded the company. She woke up every day to work, but of course despised having to talk to other folks. She left the company eventually, but had a good set of learning from the work she did. She left it after 3 years of working with it.

  • She then went on to join "Company B". This company had all things "creativity". She loved the first few months. Nobody asks what she was upto, what projects she was working on. As long as she is getting in the deals, they were okay. She eventually realised the company is too laid back. Nobody gives a fuck about anything. Everybody works in silos, nobody really likes even helping a sis out. Just do what's given to you - in any way possible. Just get it done. After a few months, she started slacking out. She wasn't enjoying the work anymore. She left that too after 2 years.

When she looked back to the times when she had to make a decision between companies, and she chose Company A and B; she realised two great things:

  • "Culture" is not the Foosball tables, the coffee pantries, unlimited snacks and every Friday team dinners. Culture is how the teams come together to get work done. Culture is how an objection is tackled by the team or your manager. Culture is what happens when you don't perform - what do the leadership think of you, do of you and eventually make of you.

  • "Culture" is subjective. What "culture" works for you to flourish is a thing that only you have to figure out. If you are someone that needs somebody else to be on top of you to get things done - you'll flourish in Company A. If you join Company B, you will slack out, run out of skills and just become the useless version of yourself. If you are someone who can work independently and doesn't like folks following up with you to get tasks done, you don't like a process and like being creative - you'll be frustrated in Company A.

It's up to you, of how you introspect and be honest with yourself to figure out what environment is best suitable for yourself.

๐Ÿฑ Off-Topic
๐Ÿ™ Mental Wellness
I like this story. Am I correct in assuming that company C is more amenable to you and your - sorry - Annaโ€™s sense of what a good culture is?
Enterprise SDR
I think the point is not necessarily that there is a better option here - like culture C - but that culture is subjective. For Anna obviously she just sucks at work (jk jk), but point is that different people will succeed at different places. Therefore, itโ€™s hard to label a culture as empirically good or bad.
Big Shot
Account Executive - Mid enterprise
Yesss. Thatโ€™s what I wanted to conveyyyyyy. Thanks JS.
Well, there are some examples of shit culture, but yeah point taken.
Big Shot
Account Executive - Mid enterprise
Could be. I, oops I mean Anna, is yet to join company C. ;p
Account Executive
Company C is a unicorn, yet to find it myself
Sr Sales Executive ๐Ÿฐ
Enjoyed this story - and completely agree about your definition of culture as subjective. If all humans were the same, weโ€™d all want the exact same things, and we donโ€™t.
Your definition of culture is spot on
sales engineer
Edit: culture is subjective to a point. I do agree certain things like managing style, processes, and people will always be different for each person out in that situation or job. But there are certainly culture traits that most would agree are good, or those that are bad.

And foosball tables and on tap cold brew donโ€™t create culture. PEOPLE create culture.
Good Citizen
This thread and comment is timely as I'm diagnosing environments where I crushed and environments where I floundered. In one instance, within the same company yet out of different offices.

Office A was the dominant P&L of the company & and Office B was a severe laggard and underperformed given its market. As I transferred to office B, the old manager left and a strong IC was promoted to run the ship. I assumed the new manager would right the ship. Dear god no.

Culture is just a descriptor of accepted & perpetuated norms, behavior, and habits. In office A, we had latitude on how we achieved our outcomes but excuses weren't tolerated and if the bottlenecks started arising, the scrutiny was overtly applied. The how was open but the what was tightly managed. (Biweekly 1v1 help keep this moving along). Office B wanted everything to be subjective and tried to play gimmicky contests & methods to motivate people. This is sales, if you have to bribe people to pursue commission, you've lost the plot.

There are traits and behaviors which are part of every successful culture and really they're immutable laws. Accountability, integrity, and structured communication are foundation of any successful culture. In the big 5, these all fall under Conscientiousness.

A fun culture is going to be more open & agreeable but superfluous and energy dissipating.

The simplest contrast of this is sports franchises. The good ones all have similar traits (stability, accountability, etc) and the dumpy ones all have similar traits (chaos, short term thinking, unaccountable leadership)

An ideal structure is rooted in conscientiousness but understands humans need variety and allows for some fun but if you're going to work for trendy trinkets, don't cry when you get evicted.
Sr. AE
Culture is so unpredictable and hard to stick to so many small companies. One change in the company and the whole company changes.
They call me Daddy, Sales Daddy
This is why I LOVE working remote. Culture has minimal impact on me - that's not to say no impact on me, just minimal.
Director, Revenue Enablement
Damnit sounds like my company that was A is now becoming B ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ
Account Executive
Great post, per usual.
Yeah, I used to think I loved the bro hustle culture. In the end I like the chill organisations way more

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