Landed a gig at a new company, now how do you succeed?

Curious to hear what's worked well for others.

Some things I've applied and kept top of mind in starting at 2 new companies the last 10 years:

  • give it a real shot: my rule of thumb & what I've heard others use is at least 6 months unless things are clearly shitty and toxic beyond repair, or you were blatantly lied to, then start scoping other opportunities ASAP
  • put in the hours early on, hit the ground running: gotta learn new culture, processes, industry, product, etc. - put in the before- and after- hours work
  • shadow the A-players: ask who exceeded quota last quarter/year, and absorb their brain, talk tracks.
  • get that early dub: find any way to get an early win under your belt, condense that TTFV
🎈 Mentorship
WR Officer
Head of Growth
Be the first one in and the last one out for the first 90 days. The work you put in for the first quarter determines your overall success at the company. 
WR Lieutenant
Account Executive
Good list. Three additional ones:

1. Network internally with people who are involved in the process of deals (e.g. SalesOps, legal) and build that sweet, sweet social credibility before you need them on Friday at 5:15 pm during EOQ.

2. Go talk to your buyers who can't buy from you. I have a mini board of advisors who carry titles of folks I sell to. You get additional insights of what they're really facing at work, and candid feedback on your value prop/how to sell.

3. Most importantly, don't do anything that would even give the appearance of lack of integrity. Greed kills your reputation. If it's the difference of 100% attainment and doing the right thing, or 226% but you snaked a deal from someone else...take the former route. The latter will catch up to you. The world is small. Do the right thing.
Big Shot
Senior Account Executive
That is a solid advise, i tried the greedy route it bit me in the ass. Luckily i managed to degreed and win over the customers before they learnt about my greed. Sent them a discount before they even asked, added some free features. But yea don't be greedy man. Develop credibility and customer/prospects will reach out to you by name. You have no idea how dynamic the market is. 1 guy was a product manager, left his company and founded a YC backed trucking services and contacted me. So yes credibility goes a very very long way. 

Another customer I couldn't help internally, just too many fuck ups and i handed him over to competition because i see how it's negatively impacting his business, he came back when they fucked up later on.
Client Growth Manager
Keep your head down and your mouth shut (unless you are adding value to the conversation)
Account Executive
Big Shot
Rolling 20's all day
Any recommendations after all this time?
WR Officer
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Accepted a new position, now my current company is offering me a promotion.


Just landed a new job as a SDR Manager and I'm stoked


Week 2 at new AE job
