EDIT: Looking to leave....still need my bonus

Ok so here is the deal.

Im pretty much out the door at my current company. I plan on accepting an offer I just received.

The problem is I need to give that company a start date and I am not 100% sure when I will get my bonus for Q3+Q4 results.

There is a good chance ill have to wait until March 10th to get it.

BUT the new company has a leadership all hands in person the first week of March that it would really annoying NOT to be at.

Here are my options as I see it:

Plan A:

  • Dont say anything to anyone and just sit tight for the next 6 weeks and put my 2 weeks in once I have my money.
  • This seems the most dishonest thing to do
  • This would really negatively impact the start to the new gig.

Plan B:

  • Put my 2 weeks in soon at the current gig
  • Expect that my bonus will still be paid out to me on March 10th even though i dont work there. (In the company hand book it clearly states that as long as you are employed on Dec 31st, you get your bonus even if you leave)
  • I would be able to start my new gig at the right time
  • I feel like this is the best way to not burn the bridge, and do right by them and me.
  • ALSO is risky because I dont totally trust anyone when it comes to money.

EDIT: another part of plan B would be to set a meeting with the CRO and be fairly upfront about my situation (i wouldn't say I have accepted a verbal offer, I would say i was approached with a really exciting opportunity and needed to understand some key details)

Would you do that?

Does that change your mind?

What option would you take?

Attached poll
*Voting in this poll no longer yields commission.
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Needing Advice - currently job Hunting after getting let go when my lifetime attainment was 89%

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New job offer expiring tonight, still waiting on a counter offer from my current company. What’s the move?


Accepted offer, when to leave current job to get commission?
