Sad BDR that was once a happy BDR

I’ve been a BDR at a top CRM saSs company for over a year, I have been proud to work for the company since it is very hard to get hired. In Jan the company CEO announced that 8000 people were going to get laid off. The company now feels completely different. Since the lay offs I have been moved to a completely new team and got a new territory that is 2x smaller and they recently increased the quota by 60%. The bdr team is now being heavily micro managed and has made the bdr job worst that I can’t focus on doing actual job and been having crazy anxiety. it feel like they want us to be a non stop machine. There is rumors that they will fire people in the upcoming months due to performance hence them increasing the quotas so much. I have been a top achiever prior to this in the bdr org. I want to become am AE but there is nothing open for Q1 because of budget. I’m scared to get fired because of the new quota , and don’t want to start again as a bdr. I am 28 and have been a bdr 2.5 years now. I jdon’t know what to do, iI feel like the new quota is unattainable even if I exceed in calls and e-mails daily. There aren’t enough accounts to generate what they are requiring. I’ve never not exceed my quota and feel like I won’t be able and that a. No help move to an AE role or b. Get fired with no serveance . But if leave to another company I’ll start again as BDR.

☁️ Software Tech
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🎯 Career Development
Sales Director
Start applying while still working there.

Can't catch fish without a line in the water!
WR Officer
Yes. Keep your head down, do your job, and look for others on the down low.
Business Development Team Lead
Yup! There's nothing stopping you from applying to AE roles except for your own anxiety. Yes, you might get looked over because you don't have current closing experience. But you can't let that possibility stop you.

Keep your nose to the grindstone until you find someone willing to take a chance on you.

Do your due diligence and hunt for the role that you want. Reach out to managers/team leads at the companies you want to close for.
sales engineer
Hopefully your past performance would be taken into account when decisions are made.

Also, why would you start as a BDR again? Why not apply for AE roles?

I agree with @Maximas have a conversation with your manager, and see exactly where you stand. That should help.
Good Citizen
I have no closing experience and because of the times when I apply to AE roles I feel like I won’t even be considered due to so much competition. I’m tired of the bDr role and I’m ready to be an AE. The increase quota has been brought up to my manager but she said it’s from upper leadership and there’s nothing we can do but achieve it.
sales engineer
You don’t know if you don’t try to apply. Why not take a shot?

Have you thought about other industries? Or divisions? There are people hiring.

I’m sure it’s frustrating to be in the position you are currently in. But your manager is right, the quota sucks but it’s the quota. At this point best you can do is perform the best you can. Work hard and when you can apply for jobs and hopefully something comes your way.

Have you checked the Bravado job postings?
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
Advice I give to everyone: don't you be the one to say no to yourself. You could start applying for AE roles now; if nothing else, get that resume brushed up and out there, and hopefully get some interviews so you can get some practice. There's nothing worse than feeling helpless - getting started on your job search will give you some control over what's going to come next, so maybe that will help ease some of the anxiety as well. Yes, it's a tough market out there, but perseverance is a trait you should have by now.
sales engineer
@Sunbunny31 👏🏻🙌🏻
Sr. AE
8k people is no joke and there is no guarantee who will be next. Not trying to scare you here.

I am sure the same challenges will be with other SDRs. What and how are the doing to meet their target? I will try to understand the big picture that the company has in the pipelines and at the same time I will start applying for new roles.

Try for both SDR and SMB AE, I am sure there will be someone who would want you. That’s what I had done. All the best !
Head Of Sales
damn this sucks. i would for sure apply for AE roles and see if you can get any bites. hopefully you get lucky but i think it will be hard. I understand your concerns and would totally NOT want to start over again as a BDR somewhere else!
Senior Sales Executive
Did you try to share your concerns with your direct manager to have some good answers about the unreasonable uplifting of your quota!
You should come into a conclusion of two things no third after having some good understanding of the situation .
Either that was something temporary or the job actually requires or that was just a curtain to layoff more people.
In the first case you could stay and do your best to attain the numbers based on the great experience you had with em I totally believe based on this history that if anyone would achieve /exceed his targets it would be definitely you .
But if you feel that you couldn't or you found out that this unreasonable increase was just a curtain so absolutely recommend you to jump the ship ASAP!

Best of luck!
First of all I'm sorry you're going through this, as a BDR with 2.5 years tenure also at 2 companies about to leave his second, I can relate.

Apply elsewhere. Your mental health is worth exponentially more than an "extra year in seat" (potentially) as BDR.

If you're ultra-concerned about speed-to-AE, I'd apply to a reputable startup, think something along the lines of an early-stage Chili Piper. If you apply yourself you could likely be promoted within 6-8 mo.
When the company suffers changes, the culture does too. So this company is no longer the same that it was.

It is time for you to decide: Change your way to see the company and adapt to new changes, or change to other organization that looks more like what your prefferences.

In my opinion, I would preffer to change Organization (Moreover, you can increase your incomes with this change :)
Sales Manager
Sorry about your situation. Been where you're at many times. And yes, I had to start all over upon every move. My advice going forward, when you end up in a better situation, for your own sanity, always have a Plan "B" and "Plan C".....maybe even a side hustle. It's easy to get comfortable when things are good. I've had long tenures come to an abrupt end due to, what seemed like, overnight Industry DISTRUPTIVE Technologies.......Made our business almost suddenly OBSOLETE. Choose wisely on your next move but always have something in your back pocket ALWAYS
account executive
Performance isn’t as important as playing politics with management for when they make layoff decisions
Enterprise Account Executive
As a BDR how much politics can you play other than your own manager liking you.. Aren't you kind of dependent on your teams standing in the org?
Big Shot
Account Executive
Man, SFDC and/or Hubspot must be rough right now.
You realize of course, companies that have become like this, hire cannon fodder, thats all ofbus in that scenario. Has n9thibg to do with you. Also they have hiring quotas (nornal), and firing quotas (not normal for us!). I had been in accelerators, and set company records last 2 roles, and laid off in a heartbeat. Multiple reasons that are valid and have nothing to do with productivity. Let me tell you how that feels, but I have to go back to do the do soon📞! Nothing wrong w/BDR or SDR, itsvm just we're not paid what wete really worth. Who finds the deals? Us! Who closes the deals if they want to allow it in their published forecast, and maybe you get comped! Not the way. Make your own way you sound like a great company resource! Best!

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