Should I leave, stay, crawl into a hole and never come out? All viable options...

Been creeping on Bravado for the last week and wanted to share my story cause I see a lot of posts on startups, might be able to help a fellow sad bro/lady. I graduated college last May; slept in, drank too much, and got shit grades so I got a job selling payroll at a horrible company. I knew SaaS was the place to be so after about 6 months of crushing it but hating my life I left to join a cyber startup as a BDR. Say what you want about startups but I increased my base by 37.5% and am happier so sue me. Honestly got super lucky not joining some sketchy startup; my company has great product/market fit, patented product differentiation, solid existing customer base, and a few enterprise accounts already on board.

HOWEVER, I still feel like I'm getting screwed and not because they're liars, or no product/market fit, or a sketchy executive team. I'm getting screwed because of the way my offer letter was structured. My commish is not based around setting appointments, qualified meetings, etc. It is based on whether the meetings I set GO TO TRIAL, and I do not even run the demos (note, I was led to believe trials were an incredibly painless and easy process). I mean I sit in on these demos and take notes, but that prospect is in my VP's/AE's hands at that point.

We are a super small team of about 7 in the US (backend team is abroad), My quota is 100 trials for the year and I am nowhere near there, despite booking 30+ meetings in a quarter that's not even over.

It's dumb annoying cause I really like the company, but I want that sweet sweet commish that I feel I've earned. I know it's on me for not challenging it during the interview process, but it is just a dumb fucking comp plan. I don't wanna jump ship again, but I'm doing BDR work for just my base which blows. Was this on purpose so they wouldn't have to pay? Should I leave? Can I ask for them to restructure my offer letter and how they comp?

💰 Compensation
🔐 Cybersecurity
📠 Startup
Regional Sales Manager
Have an honest conversation about why you think there’s a disconnect between your comp/incentives and what their current plan is. I think anyone rational would see that basing your variable comp on a part of the sales process you don’t control is crazy.

If you don’t like their response, move on. Too many solid opps right now that do value the ability to set quality meetings and will pay you for it.
Praised Answer
Business Development
Appreciate the response. Totally agree there’s too many good opps out there right now, but do you think 2 companies in a year on my resume will kill opps? Also, any ideas of what a good opener looks like to begin that conversation with my manager?
Enterprise Account Executive
I think it's as straight forward as: I'm not earning as much as I'd like b/c meetings aren't converting to trial at rate I'd expected.
Head Of Sales
no. anyone would understand the situation you are in. 

especially if you talk to your leadership and nothing changes. showing other employers that you were successful, and tried to fix your current spot before leaving will make you look good. 
Praised Answer
Business Development
Thanks I definitely needed this. Side note, started playing tennis last year and am a 4.0 now. Most fun game I think I have ever played
Head Of Sales
no problem. I was also concerned that short stints would hurt me. But what I found is that as long as you have a good story to go along with it, and your were not fired for being a dick or for sucking at your job. ppl get it. 

nice! I was lucky enough to play in college and still do. just got bumped up to 5.0 this year!
Director of Revenue
This. With such a small company, it's a huge blow to lose someone. Talk with management, and tell them your thoughts and a possible alternative.

If they're smart, they'll understand why it's not a good comish structure. If they refuse to change, then bounce. Tons of start-ups are looking for SDR/BDRs at the moment. A year or two of xp will land you interviews pretty quickly.
Big Shot
Make noise about it and see what happens. Worst case is they don't change anything and then it's up to you on whether or not you want to stay. But people are trying really hard to retain sales talent right now and you will likely be heard.
Enterprise Account Executive
Welcome! And thank you for the details!!

A few questions:
1) Are you the only BDR?
2) Who do you report to?
Praised Answer
Business Development
Thanks! Happy to be here. There is one other BDR, he started about a week before. We report to my VP of Sales, he is technically our “AE” and “AM”. Feel bad for the guy he is working ATLEAST 80 hours a week. Other than that in the US it is our CEO and a few software engineers on contract.
WR Lieutenant
How is the other BDR compensated?
Enterprise Account Executive
It might be ignorance on the part of the VP. If they'd never built a BDR comp plan perhaps they didn't realize how this would impact the reps.

I'd bring it up with them first. Cite some market data (e.g. most BDRs are paid on X) and offer some solutions (e.g. give you more control over demo, pay you half for meeting and other half for trial, etc.) 

I imagine the VP would empathize, and if you approach if constructively they may agree to a change. 
Praised Answer
Business Development
He’s compensated the same as me. Both comp plans have base + commission + equity. He doesn’t seem to have a problem with it though but I also think he may be a few cards short of a full deck.
Praised Answer
Business Development
Definitely agree, I think that’s probably my next move. Maybe for start of the next quarter. I really do enjoy the company and genuinely believe in the efficacy of the product I sell. Just want those fat stacks too.
WR Lieutenant
Souds like you work for a company that does not have a large enough margin to pay on meetings delivered (has to show up and take the meeting). That's not a bad thing--but what can you do to control for booking meetings with qualified prospects? Are you asking the tough question of "If you like what you hear/see in the demo, are you ready to make a switch?"

Payroll is REALLY tough to sell because of how painful it is for a company to switch systems, which I'm sure you have figured out. Net new businesses? Good to go--but someone with 5 years of experience on ADP? Ya fucked if you think they are going to just lift and replace that easily.
WR Officer
I didn't even consider the pain to switch. Yikes.
Praised Answer
Business Development
A lot of times on my calls I’ll say something like, “I mean what are your thoughts? Do you have time for a quick demo?” And then usually I’ll get their opinion and can pivot from there judging interest level by responses.

But yeah payroll blows unless you work for UKG, glad I’m not in that racket anymore.
Officer of ♥️
'why dont you just quit' - <removed post>

Paired with

' Say what you want about startups but I happier so sue me' 

along with

' It's dumb annoying ...... it is just a dumb fucking comp plan. ....  but I'm doing BDR work for just my base which blows'

read this - perhaps again.

Get a new job. 

Read this -

my 2 cents. yes breaking into tech is the shit. youll join anywhere for that raise. agreed. now you can actually eat, however, you quickly find the drawback of joining ANY company. congrats on getting in, but now you need to find the place that has a better culture/performance history/ management.

Sales ppl dont quit their jobs they quit their managers.

If u rlly wanna stay bring up that you need a comp plan change bc its unrealistic and not in ur control. not sure how maybe @poweredbycaffeine knows but. 

I'd suggest finding a place that has 100% or near it SDR-AE promotion, and at lesat on avg 90% quota attainment.

When they ask you why you're leaving say the promotional path wasn't there/ wanted more of a challenge or some shit like that. - good q's to ask

or, crawl in a hole and die too. totally viable.

The fkin kid
Officer of ♥️
also side note, i was in a similar position w an out of touch mgr who wanted a meeting a day, I had a candid meeting w the ceo where I said that they may not see what i see or have done what I have done, but the meeting a day isnt viable rn w/o full process built or refined, maybe 1-2 a week to start with, and it was agreed, have some candid but respectful convos paired with data and activity
Sr. AE
First off you should be paid on the basis on qualified leads but I wouldn’t blame the company as they had in writing what they are offering. Did you try to find the reason why the qualified leads are not trialing when the product has great market fit?
Praised Answer
Business Development
It’s the nature of what I sell. People are like paranoid-schizophrenics when it comes to adding products to their network, and having little brand recognition does not help. Also IT talent is slim right now so people are overworked and don’t want to implement new products. Of course our solution solves that as it is AI-based and autonomous. But different story haha.
Sales Executive
How do you figure you've earned commission?  Please don't blame a comp plan for your failure to make money.