What is your go-to negotiation strategy when discussing price with the F500?

Title just about says it all - I'm looking for your favorite ways to best position yourself in a high-stakes negotiation with an enterprise organization. Share a war story about a challenging negotiator or describe how you overcame a relentless price-sensitive (or so they lead you to believe) prospect.

I'd share a story of my own, but most of my negotiations have been with consumers about premium appliance products (not super applicable to this conversation).

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Retired King of the Coors Knights
I always start high. Unless they are in the middle of bankruptcy, budget generally is not an issue once it is assigned. I try to figure out what the procurement agent's motivation is... do they get a bonus if they knock off 10%? Reduce term length? etc, and then I can plan my strategy around that. Want to knock off 10%? Cool, but we have to add branding language. 

Never negotiate heavily outside of procurement, you are just shorting yourself out of commission. 

On my first call with procurement, I always take time to walk them through the solution at a high level as well. They are not part of the evaluation most of the time, so they genuinely may not know what my product does, or the value. Once I walk them through WHY this is important to them, it helps the negotiations a bit. 

For an example, I recently sold to a F10 company. I came in at list, they wanted 98% off or something like that. I took a step back and explained to procurement what the impact of NOT going with us was (they had failed some audits and had a security gap). Ultimately ended up at 15% off list. 
I try to start at 50-75% over list. To give me room to sell a big value, while giving the client room to negotiate. I know what my competitors will be priced at and can adjust as necessary. 

Help with price negotiation

Members only

Do you think putting out the price in the first meeting where a demo is shown , is recommended? Would it add value or loosen the deal or interest?

Pricing in 1st demo ?
10% No idea.
33% Yes, here is the reason (in comments)
16% No, here is the reason (in comments)
42% 50-50% split
159 people voted

Product Pricing - What are your best answers for customers who would start with 90% discounted price while negotiating?
