Why is cold calling so hard to get results from?

I've studied the likes of Grant Cardone, Jordan Belfort, Ricky Carruth & Sabri Suby. It has been very helpful but I have not made any significant improvement in my monthly quota. I sell copiers. Email's I will only get a response if they are a current customer. LinkedIn messages rarely get returned and if they accept my invite to connect they never respond to my note. Phone calls are usually met with a hang up, "we already have a contract", the decision maker is busy or straight to a voicemail. And phone calls are rarely returned. In the field has had the most success, but the gatekeeper is usually very cold and says a ton of things to make sure you know you have no shot. I want to be successful and most of all I don't want to get fired because I am starting a family.

🔎 Prospecting
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📞 Cold Calling
Valued Contributor
Head of Sales Development
Cardone is a joke first of all.

But yes, cold calling is tough, and you have to be compelling.

Also remember you are probably not the first person to cold call your prospect that day.
Account Executive, EIAS/Compliance
I do long campaigns focused on leadership that have a stake in "Copiers" or reg compliance for me. If it resonates great, if it doesn't great let me jot that down and refine what i'm doing to be more impactful. 
Sales Manager
having cold calling being the majority of how I generate opportunites here are a few questons. How many calls a day and how is the data quality of the calls you are making? Also being able to get some intel if they have a contract like when is that contract up so you can build up follow ups to have a warm intro.
BDR Manager
When cold calling, it is also important to think about the situation, task, action and result. Be real about the situation (they were not expecting your call and people dont like being caught off guard and  then be sold to). Know what you want to get out of your efforts, and focus on them. 

if you can bring them information maybe they didnt know- they will want to engage with you. 
Notable Contributor
Director Sales and Market Development
Because a lot of people are doing it. Be unique, be human and remember what it is like to be the other end of that call
Notable Contributor
Account Manager
Not trying to sound like a dick here but a lot of this sounds like excuses.  Yes, cold  calling is hard, but if you're "usually" met with hang-ups then your pitch is quite bad.  I almost never get hung up on and I also sell in a competitive market.  You need to take into consideration that the people you are calling are getting bombarded with sales robots all day so you need to try and STAND OUT, be DIFFERENT.  Sympathize with them a little.  And also, if your "current" customers DO answer emails and calls then you should be considering how to USE THOSE CONTACTS to network with other sides of their business and people they might know from other businesses.  
Account Executive
A lot of growth has been made since this post was made in April I'm happy to say.  I've had zero hangups since April 22nd by ditching scripts and being more natural.  Appreciate the honest feedback!
Notable Contributor
Account Manager
Not a problem, I love helping fellow savages because they also help me. Really glad to hear you’re crushing it!
WR Officer
Right now is tricky because people are being inundated with cold calls for webexes. Don't take it personally and keep on calling. You're doing great 😎
Skip gatekeepers whenever possible. Call cell phones instead.
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How do you get out of your cold calling rut?

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Do You Get Nervous Cold Calling?

When I make cold calls
23% I am nervous
61% I was nervous, but after being in the role the nerves faded away
15% I'm a beast and was never nervous to call people with the hope of generating business
183 people voted