Automotive OEM Sales - transitioning to other Industries is rough

Ive been in sales for an automotive manufacturer (one of big 3) for almost 9 years. Not always directly in a sales role, but always on the sales side of things. Currently an “area manager” which is really an account executive type role responsible for selling anything and everything HQ wants to shove down our dealers throats to them.

Ive wanted to branch out into other industries for a while. Have had a few interviews. But it seems like my companies job titles don’t translate to other industries well.

has anyone else experienced this and overcome it? Feeling pigeonholed into your current role/industry and we’re successfully able to break into another different industry? Give me all the tips please!

🤝 Networking
🚀 Career Goals
✌️ Growing Pains
Big Shot
Regional Sales Director
I moved from manufacturing to manufacturing sales to corporate sales to SaaS 

If you want to learn and hustle for 5 years, build a roadmap for your career, yes - the dividends will be great! provided you love the journey and aspire to remain in the industry you love to!
Digital Business Associate
If you are thinking literally, then yes it wouldn't translate well. But you have to think big picture. Sales is sales. If you are interviewing for a job you want, then you have to sell them on how your experiences match what they are looking for regardless of the industry. Try to understand as much as you can about the role you are interviewing for ahead of time and be clear about how what you've done in the past translates. 
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