Day #9 of two sales jobs - I think it's time to find a new AE role

So the two jobs have been going great so far, I pretty much find that some days I do great at on job and shit at the other but it all balances out because like my manager tells me 'your half effort is more than most peoples 100%'

But i've come into an issue that was kinda un for seen with me good ole trusty AE role.

Commission clawbacks.

Meaning that 3 months down the line if the account churns we get our commission taken away. and it being essentially a '0% interest loan' and not an actual commission check.

This is an issue because we have 60 AE's closing ten accounts a month with already 1200 accounts and only 6 CSM's and 10 AM's when we realistically need about 40 of each.

This means that customer onboarding calls are actually getting ghosted, implementation is lagging one month. And then of course. customers are churning.

To add fuel to the flame only 25% of people are hitting quota - This may not be a series A as we have 3500 employees however it may as well be because it's a stealth startup

@braintank - reasons not to join a stealth startup series coming soon lmao.

Anyways, I can make it last and hit quota but just don't really see the merit in staying. i've been there 6 months now and I've seen enough to know that it's kinda fucked on the sales side of things. Super high churn of AE's. Now the question is though, how to transition to a new role with only 6 months exp,

Thoughts on how to spin this in interviews? Seems like the truth here is the best answer


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*Voting in this poll no longer yields commission.
💰 Compensation
🤝 Networking
😤 Conflict Resolution
Sales Rep
What % are leaving within 3 months, thats such a short period of time.

How quick is your deal cycle, is it crazy to be on those onboarding calls to keep your co-workers accountable and calling them if they are 2 min late? If they onboarding team cant join that time you can reschedule it live
Officer of ♥️
In 3 months probably 20% of the team has disappeared

Deal cycle can be as short as one day or as long as a month.

Yeah I can get on the onboarding calls forsure but I shouldn't have to babysit
Sales Rep
100% shouldnt have to babysit, but thats what I had to do in the past. I just stay on to make sure it goes well and do admin stuff during it.
Officer of ♥️
Yeah exactly. Is this just expected? are most places like that? whats a typical clawback or churn rate. I'm coming from a place where we had a net retention of 110% (100% plus referrals) so this is foreign to me
Sales Rep
Clawback extremely low since 3 months is such a short period of time and people wont stop that early since they dont want to admit they made a mistake
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
Clawbacks are the worst.

If you're concerned about this, then yes, I'd be looking for another role. You're not working as hard as you do to get a bad result for your customer due to poor support.

When you say "tell the truth", you don't mean about having two jobs, you mean about having issues with the overall customer experience with the AE stealth startup.

One other thought - have you voiced these concerns to your manager? RE the issues you're seeing with implementation and support, and your concerns about the company from that viewpoint?
Officer of ♥️
Yeah it's also just dissapointing like you said I'm in sales to yes make money but I develop relationship and drive solutions to actually help people and it's so slimy and nasty to get people hyped up just to not be able to deliver on your promises and then they're blowing up your line or just let down like damn. My efforts should be put somewhere they are respected.

on tell the truth yes you are right LMAO

I have not. I don't see much that they can do in the short term as they know the AM CSM is an issue and are trying to hire but having a hard time finding people but it's a good point. They pretty much try to make us into the AM CSM too to pick up the slack but it's like... that's not my job or even my expertise. I can't onboard these people I don't have the tech or even authority to do so. So. Yeah. Not sure how to approach that conversation
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
Building expectations is a part of sales. Just spitballin', but could you discuss the implementation with the customer up front? "Our standard start time is 3-4 weeks from signature - can we get you scheduled now so that you're in the queue?" or something? Or is it not possible to be that structured?
Officer of ♥️
yeah that's what I've been saying going forward but they JUST told us about how bad it really is before they had us saying we can get you started in two weeks and fully ready in 3 when it's barely getting them the tech in 3 actually and up and running in 2 months so I will be setting that expectation going forward but what do I do about everyone whoo is already signed and upset because of that you know. Like I retroactively tried to go back to some of them and been like oh no they didnt call you or you still dont have it yet? Let me follow up on that for you whens a better time to reach back out but they are already cold at that point and unresponsive. Our deal cycle is very much so like it doesn't cost them anything to start for the first 2 months but after that they pay but can cancel at anytime during or before so it's rough they have nothing on the line
Bravado's Resident Asshole
I hate clawbacks. I get that there is a business to worry about, but damn. I know that it could turn into a smaller percentage overall, but just starting out, one would have to worry about not spending too much.
Officer of ♥️
at the end of the day its like. hey fuckers look. they signed. they're ready to go. now take it away. not fumble the ball, make me look like a dick, and take my commissions back.
WR Officer
Did you not know about the clawbacks when you took the role?
Officer of ♥️
no idea it was structured like that or the AM CSM environment & Churn rate (probably 50%) and higher for big deals
Big Shot
Professional Day Ruiner
clawbacks suck. but at least you have 2 jobs to help make up for them 🤷‍♂️
Officer of ♥️
RIGHT lmao
Your savaregy inspires me and I cannot wait to follow where your journey takes you, just promise to keep the updates alive, then compile into a book and in a few years get the movie deal rights with Daniel Day Lewis, Al Pacino (made look young with CGI) or the Rock playing you. That said, it really is time to start looking for an AE role elsewhere since that shit sounds like a seed stage or series A thing. G for coasting purposes try to break into a rising Pre IPO stage ( is like the second honeymoon but better) or a well established company. I’ve been taking the pulse check and today is the worst time to join anything within the seed- series D stages, with a very few exceptions according to repvue
Officer of ♥️
Thankyou King - second update is live now - movie scripts in the works
Seems like you have enough to worry about without the Clawbacks looming over you.
Officer of ♥️
Fire Starter
Account Executive
Good for you for trying 2. My friends and I have been talking about doing this for awhile. How many close calls have you had? My current job is a joke and have similar issues like you mentioned here.
Officer of ♥️
Send it

Embarrassing to ask but how do you find a new AE sales job? I'm an AE (5 years exp)...


One year of AE experience - find another AE role or go back to SDR?


What’s the best companies to reach out to for SDR / BDR roles for a career changer looking for solid base comp and decent OTE (financial advisor made 120k last year 3 years hit quota every year cold calling running the sales process so I think I have relevant AE skills but I get taking a step down since I have no SAAS sales skills. (However I have 1.5 years of IT recruiting experience where I also crushed quota and learned a bit about IT broadly) Thanks
