Getting SDR job

I am struggling to get a SDR job. I got a few interviews. I have a sales background of two years. But, never SAAS. Any tips?

👥 Hiring
Enterprise Account Executive
Can you post an anonymized version of your resume?

How far are you getting in interviews? HR screen, hiring manager, final panel? 
Job seeker
I have been on one that they said I apologize we can’t hire in state of Colorado yet. The second went through one round.
They call me Daddy, Sales Daddy
If you have gotten interviews than the problem probably isn’t your resume (although it could still be) but more your interviewing skills.

You need to convince them you are effective at getting to people either via the phone or email. You obviously are not conveying that convincingly enough.

Work on those skills. Script out your answers to the top 10 questions interviewers ask sales people (google it).

Good luck!
Valued Contributor
VP of Growth
If you only have had one chance at bat it sounds like there is something wrong with your resume. More details please
The sample size is small , however we need to see your resume , and once you know what stage you tend to get rejected at is telling. Are you getting a lot of automated rent it on emails when you apply?
WR Officer
How are your skills and numbers listed listed on your resume? Are you closing your interviews? 
Certified Savage
To how many openings have you applied? This would give a better of idea about where the issue is, which may be either your resume, your interviewing skills, or both. 

Not a big deal because both can be solved with some work. Here are some things that helped me get my 1st SDR job:

1.- Optimize LI Profile: Add a great headline, "You're next top-performing SDR", not that but something that conveys that, you know?

In your bio talk about your past experience and personal interests and how they relate to a BDR role, also explain why you are looking to break into tech. Talk about accomplishments, work ethic, skills, etc.

2.- DM Hiring Manager that post about SDR openings. Not too much to explain here.

3. Interview skills which would need to chat to really help you with that but a good starting point would be to:
  - Research the prospect and have questions ready, see if you can find something that they'd love to talk/brag about, such as previous accomplishments, interests, etc. see if they mention any sports, hobbies or anything like that in their profile/posts. Also have a professional question to ask: What are the main traits you are looking for in your SDR as you build out the team? For you to say Damn! *Your Name* is really killing it in this role, everything is going great, what would have to happen in the next 3,6, and 12 months?

   - Have a 1-2 min story about yourself that shares your previous experience, how you got to where are you are, and how being and SDR is the natural next step.

    - Close the interview: "I know it is hard to really get to know someone in just a 20-30 min convo, but based on what we discussed today. Would you have any reservations about moving me forward?" or "Really enjoyed connecting with you and think I'd be a great fit for this role because "X". Would there be anything preventing you from recommending me for this role?/Moving me to the next step?" There's a ton of them. Google a few and practice the one you'd like.

 Those would be the main things I'd focus on without knowing your specific situation.

Much success in your search!

Big Shot
Rolling 20's all day
Is your resume built to show performance against goals? If not, make sure you're showing how you will be a strong performer.
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Getting your SDR to think like an AE


Ccat to get a job


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