How long do you give it?

Started a new role the last week of July.

I was VERY conscious vetting potential new employers when I made this switch and quota attainment was one of my key metrics to ask about and look for.

Well, the specific division that I am on at my company is a new one and it really seems like there was a lack of oversight and/or some serious over hiring.

The team of 13 that I am on finished at 40% attainment and the division that we are a part of was not much better at 50%. We had 1 AE hit quota for the quarter out of 13 on my team.

All AE's seem to follow the same formula, crush their first two months then fall off the map. We are in an upsell/overlay role and have a very specific type of target account. Most AE's burn through their best accounts in 60 days and are now scraping the bottom of the barrel.

I was in my last role (which was my first B2B Saas role) for 1 year, and did well! Prior to that I was at at my last company for 8 1/2 years.

I'm certainly not the only one on my team that is concerned, and I don't want to be blind sided by potential lay offs when they realize that they just over hired.

How long do I give this before I start aggressively looking for something else?

I'm only in month 4, am I being too impatient?

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WR Officer
That doesn't sound promising. Could you be the outlier and end up doing much better than reps in the past? For sure. Is it likely, based on the historical data? Not really.

Never hurts to be proactive and see what else is out there. Worst case scenario you don't find anything better and stay put for the time being.
No marketing, mayo isn't an MQL
Always worth keeping your finger on the pulse of the market. 

Especially if things be feeling Sus. 
Sr. AE
There is no time frame as such but if you're mentally stressing yourself working there, start looking out for a new one.

Though the thread is not 100% related to what you asked but there are some great comments, even if you can steal 1 for you.
WR Officer
Yeesh. Start looking to keep yourself covered. Sometimes you can't really tell unless you take a chance. 
Call me what you want, just sign the damn contract
Geeeeeeet ouuuuuuut oooooof theeeeereeeee
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
Overhiring in order to make sure the market is fully covered, and then having the majority of ICs not meet quota, is one reason I left my previous employer.    The situation did not change for the team after years, and I don't know if it will this year either, but I'm outta there!   I agree with the majority that you should start looking to see what else is out there.

How long would you say it takes to ramp up?


This is a long one

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Leave or stay? Long post but want to give context

Should I….
29% stay at my current company longer
71% take the new job offer
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