Med Tech Rep

Hi All,

I'm a MedTech Rep at a series A start-up. I'm on the SMB team selling to independent providers, mostly Internal Med.

Looking for some advice with a few challenges.

  1. Selling over zoom is hard. I have the Northeast, so traveling for small deals doesn't make sense.
  2. New York is by far my hardest state.
  3. These practices are highly unorganized. They don't know how to make business decisions or who to involve, which is where I help, but organizing them to do so is like herding cats.
  4. We typically get our foot in the door by buying them lunch, but because of a quick sales cycle - our KPI is MRR, it takes significantly more time to go up the ladder and get an initial meeting approved.

There's other stuff, but these are probably the most pressing. Any Med or healthcare reps that can give some advice here?

Thank you!

๐Ÿ”Ž Prospecting
๐Ÿ‘‘ Sales Strategy
Account executive
Im not in med device but when dealing with disorganized buyers its easier to come in with an opinion of "this is our process does that work for you" than defaulting to their process and hoping it aligns to yours
Celebrated Contributor
Enterprise AE
+1. Coach them through the buying process. โ€œTypically what happens next is X.โ€
Personal Narrative
AE (Account Executive)
I've tried that and the docs will be interested, but tell you to email them. Even if they are interested, 99% of them won't email you back.

It's one of those industries, like AG Tech for example that operates face to face.
Account executive
Honestly if they won't email you back they probably aren't that interested or you aren't solving a big enough problem. Nobody forgets they want to buy from you even if they are crazy busy.
Be ultra upfront with them and try this I can't guarantee this will win you way more deals but itll save you wasting time on the rest.
Establish with them up front what happens if this goes well (google sandler upfront contract the premise is straightforward) and truly stick to it. End the conversation off with "if I don't heard back from you on this should I assume that means you aren't interested or should I follow up"
If they ask you to follow up ask how many times and whatever they suggest whether its 1 time or 10 do no more or less than that and leave it with them, if its truly a priority they wont forget but i'd really stress make sure whatever you solve for them is tied to a tangible problem or pain they actually care to fix.
Check out for more I will always shamelessly shill for benjamin because he actually uses what he preaches and its worked for me.
Personal Narrative
AE (Account Executive)
This is super helpful, thank you! I'll give this a shot. I just mean cold emailing doesn't work.

Typically deals are more likely to close if we have a cell. If we don't, we've seen that it's unlikely that they'll close.

The problem is big, we're solving for a huge gap in primary care with dementia being diagnosed and referred out way too late.

Our solution helps them to diagnose much sooner and get reimbursed.
Account executive
You probably need to change your messaging to highlight the pain and show the difference e.g

subj: 37% faster dementia diagnosis (or some other number you can refer to)
and make the email text hyper relevant to their problem not your solution (theyre smart enough to know you can fix it or you wouldnt be reaching out)
Primary care physicians we've helped have previously struggled with - speeding up dementia diagnosis- refering dementia patients quickly post diagnosis- managing the post referral reimbursement
(product) is able to (short value pitch NOT feature dump)
I appreciate being on the frontline your time is incredibly limited would it be worth 5 minutes to see if we can help your practice

play with that to match whatever the specific problem is but make it as close to the language they use as possible personalization of content works much better than personalization of the individual
this turned into a longer post than I intended but the TL;DR is if you have to do email outreach write it like you are them experiencing their problems nobody cares about you or what you sell only that you can fix their problem
if you want more specific help feel free to dm me a redacted template and I can suggest some edits
Agreed. You gotta hold their hands.
WR Officer
So much fun, amirite
Gets me all warm and fuzzy!!
Iโ€™ve done med device for 6 months but it was commission only and deal cycle was too long so got out of it. The biggest thing is you gotta stay on them and continue providing value. Deal cycles are typically long until the relationship is established and they know you can provide value. Then the cycle becomes quicker. I recommend checking out Jacob McLaughlin on YouTube or LinkedIn he also has a podcast on selling med devices which is pretty good
Personal Narrative
AE (Account Executive)
Thanks, man! Our sales cycle is relatively quick. Our average time to close is 31 days. ACV is around $400-$500 in MRR.

Medical Device vs Tech sales

Which has higher earning potential?
16% Medical device
84% Tech
73 people voted

Med Device > SaaS


Anyone here work in Med Tech sales?
