Need to vent/request advice

background without over exposing myself: been at this company slinging hardware/software into the healthcare vertical for 2 years. first year was Covid and I was 1/3 to hit plan out of like 25-30 reps. second year I was 1/all reps over 200%. made the most $ I've ever made in my life. 

our install team is so fucking terrible that my main customer who spends millions told me they will never use us again for any service. they love me, love the product, HATE our pro services team. 

I brought this up to our president, VP, my manager and they all basically told me to eat it. 

now, somehow they have made changes to the way we quote for the new year and my engineer has to give me a design, then the services team has to approve it. literally all I do is upload a csv to salesforce and check for pricing and components...and my quotes are getting rejected causing me to start over again at square one. this can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks depending on the size of the deal. I'm starting to feel like I'm actually being sabatoged. 

I've mentioned how broken the process is to my manager. for instance the design my engineer does NEVER accounts for correct licensing levels. so I change those on the quote and the services team rejects my quote...My manager has done nothing about this as far as I can tell. 

I sent a scathing but professional email (no cursing just pointing out dates and how long it took to get rejected) to the team internally asking what has changed and why my quotes are being rejected pointing out how I am following the process according to internal documentation. my manager then tried calling me several times, all of which I refused to take and told him I wanted a response in writing. 

am I too soft to be in sales? seriously tell me if I'm being a bitch I'm asking for advice from some of you who are in the 30+ age range doing this for 10+ years (if you exist here lol). is the earning potential in sales directly correlated with how toxic the environments are? I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills. 

😤 Conflict Resolution
🦾 Hardware Tech
☁️ Software Tech
Big Shot
The way I look at this is that you’re getting paid to deal with this, and as a salesperson, remember that the more complex the deals, the more you have to sell internally as well as externally.
Sales doesn’t start and stop with your prospects, but you have to approach this like a sale and your career will be much easier.
Start building internal advocates, ‘honey attracts more than vinegar’. Start by giving praise, reach out to the team individually with little gifts and public words of acknowledgement, get them on your side and you’ll see them start taking 1/5 the time to approve your shit.
I’ve seen many folks crash and burn cause they treat prospects like royalty but treat internal resources like shit. You ain’t gonna sell shit if no one wants to see you succeed.
;If this is truly a quality issue that leadership won’t fix, then it’s out of your control, and if it’s affecting your wallet dust off your resume and see what competitors are offering!
Client Executive
Thanks this is a solid response. Much appreciated.
Business Coach
So sad, but so true. The org is broke... success of sales is covering it up...
Live Filthy or Die Clean
If you have prospects saying yes and you are pulling your hair out just to get pricing straightened out internally - your company has a shit to market plan.  Get the resume together and start looking for greener pastures. I'm all for making friends on the inside, hell I grease everyone from the secretary to the truck loaders with baked goods and lunch at every organization I'm in to make sure people go out of their way for me - but that's supposed to be for when things are a special circumstance - not for every deal I do.  

When the dysfunction is the norm don't expect it to get better, especially if you've reached out and tried to move things in the right direction and nothing has come of it. Find a company with grown ups who want to make money and support their sales staff b/c that's what you do, not because you talked their ear off about the pictures of the kids in their cubicle. 

It's a great time to be a good sales person that prospects like to work with because, I don't know if you noticed but, EVERYONE is hiring. Don't put up with internal bullshit, we already deal with enough on the outreach/external side. I'm not just saying this, I was in a similar situation in late 2020 and got out and got a much better gig and company (though it took 1 more jump but I love where I'm at now). Happy Hunting, it's @Boutdamtime to move on.
Client Executive
Thanks for that. I’m thinking it’s time.
Head Of Sales
this is sooooo annoying. this thing I HATE about sales the most is the internal politics and the bullshit procedures that slows sales down!

but that being said..... @hocktony nailed it. You HAVE to make friends on the inside. Empathy is HUGE here. 

All the other ppl on the inside are probably NOT huge fans of all this. 

connect 1 on 1 with key ppl hear from them, share your side, see if you can get on the same page. Then it will be easier to direct message them and ask for favors when you need it.
Client Executive
Thanks ;)
They call me Daddy, Sales Daddy
There are obviously things they are not telling you - financial constraints, personnel restraints, etc.  You're doing your job but other areas are falling short.  

IMO, and from what you stated, these are your options:
(1) find a new gig.  Hopefully you don't have a non-compete/non-solicitation in place preventing you from hitting up your current clients
(2) stick it out.  It will probably get better eventually but you'll lose some clients, some money, and develop an ulcer or two
(3) involve more people in your company in your deals.  The more skin in the game, the more things will positively happen.  At least that's been my experience.

Good luck!
Client Executive
Thanks for taking the time to reply. Appreciate the perspective.
If you have prospects saying yes and you are pulling your hair out just to get pricing straightened out internally - your company has a shit to market plan.
Personal Narrative
Co-founder & CEO
sounds like you'd be a valuable addition to another company. Time to look elsewhere
VP Sales
It is really difficult to manage the different levels of stress and results are requested from salespeople and compare them to others. I would honestly say that if you can't have this type of conversation with your boss it is going to be hard to work there. If you make enough money to overcome it, keep grinding. 
Client Executive
Thanks for the reply. Agree.
Id probably riot and then burn the company down. Keep it reasonable.
To play devils advocate, if your territory is shrinking, is your quota also shrinking? You could potentially make more if that’s the case.

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