New Job New CRM New Issues

Hello :) My new job uses hubspot and basically uses it to conduct EVERYTHING. It's becoming problematic for me for the following reasons: 

1. All outbound activity must be put in HS. We use aircall to dial, and sometimes it registers the calls as "answered" when no one actually answers/you get a voice mail. I have to manually change every single call that has this input --> a ton of time wasted as it doesn't immediately register the calls on HS

2. My activity is tracked through "tasks" associated with HS. This system is a disaster - basically, I'm assigned 5 companies a week. I created a sequence but it doesn't filter by company. So, when I'm doing calls, the tasks don't sort by company so one minute I'm dialing xyz from Pepsi and next xyz from Wendy's (TLDR causing me a mess with understanding org structure at a glance)

3. All inbound comes through HS but a lot of times it is unqualified. I have to manually disqualify each lead and make a note on why they are unqualified

4. I have to enroll all inbound leads into a sequence which is created for me by marketing. But, as per usual - marketing sucks at sales and I would prefer to create the sequence and do outbound myself

5. We have an outbound support specialist who helps "enrich" my target accounts before I do outreach. However, half the time they are unqualified or are missing emails/have wrong numbers. As you guessed, I have to manually change it or disqualify

6. We haven't really dialed into the ICP yet - some of my target companies are subsidiaries of other companies (bad leads)

7. I am keeping a spreadsheet because the above is making it impossible for me to get accurate data at a glance. My manager, however, is encouraging me to get rid of it as everyone in the company uses HS

8. Not exactly related but figured I'd throw it out as I'm getting annoyed (if you couldn't tell!) - I didn't understand a process today and my manager told me I needed to "take more notes". URG.

I'm just trying to understand - is this CRM updating considered normal for a BDR at a Series A/B tech company? It's taking away hours of my outreach. 

✌️ Growing Pains
🐾 Outbound
Founding BDR
I just left the exact same situation. Granted, it was a 12 person startup. Really frustrating and tedious. If you’re manager says anything, run them through the steps you have to take and they’ll realize they’re in no position to criticize unless they invest in RevOps.
Enterprise SDR
Current company is like 120-130 people but only 4 in our US office. Wondering if this is a company problem or a size issue.
ur dad’s brother
Re: #1 & #7 - if you’re able to import CSV to HS then you may be able to avoid manually fixing each call after and just import what you track in the spreadsheet at the end of the day
Enterprise SDR
Any idea on how I would go about this?
WR Lieutenant
Ask your sales or RevOps team. Don’t mess with Hubspot if you don’t know how to mass edit and upload data. Signed, a VP of RevOps
Enterprise SDR
👍 aye aye
ur dad’s brother
I do fuck around in HS but I’m and admin an on a small team
WR Lieutenant
Was more so referring to JS. Not a rookie approved activity
ur dad’s brother
Oh for sure. I was just clarifying on my end.
WR Lieutenant
Sounds like your company needs better RevOps
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
^^ this guy RevOps.
WR Officer
Good Citizen
Director of Product Sales
For #4, might be worth trying to take one of marketing’s sequences and reword it - focus on similar goals / CTA, and tell your boss you “just want to get it to match my voice” or similar.

Get them to trust you first with minor changes, then make larger adjustments once you’ve established you’re not gonna send something that’ll get the entire company blackballed.
Oh boy
I did BDR work in Hubspot & use it every day for my AE work. It's not ideal, but it's not terrible.

#1 - calling through hubspot sucks. no solution for that

For #2 -- It is possible to group tasks by priority or even select them in batches before you start completing them. While it's not automatic, it should help you avoid dramatic company switches

#3 -- probably best to talk to your salesops person to configure that in the dropdowns. No need to make a manual note. Our team also has an integration in slack where all inbounds come through. I monitor the channel and am in charge of disqualifying/routing leads. There's a way to make this process efficient & less manual

#4 write your own sequence. What're they gonna do, complain about your better results?

#5 name one company that doesn't have this problem

#6 Yep. Take it upon yourself to help fix this problem by having as many conversations with prospects as possible.

#7 If you're using a spreadsheet you're using Hubspot wrong. I bet there's a way to get the data you want to track in a hubspot view

#8 Your manager is right. Documenting process breakdowns is how you empower them to fix the problem.

Finally, YES. Updating the CRM is something that every salesperson has to do all the time! Don't let it get in the way of your prospecting, but don't ignore it. Read 'fanatical prospecting'.

Paperwork sucks but it's also how you track your performance and not get fired when business is slow and you miss quota
Enterprise SDR
Already a step ahead of you - I’ve read fanatical prospecting before haha. As per the other notes, I’d agree with most. Was feeling especially annoyed the day I posted it but I’ve since talked with my manager and we’ve removed a few unnecessary processes. All is good.
Oh boy
Good. Glad you found a solution. Go get make rain, savage
This sounds very annoying and inefficient. That being said, I'd take HS over anything aside from SFDC..
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