Onboarding remotely

Started a new role a few weeks ago in a pretty big team. Because of Covid, onboarding is remote and I don't know when we're going to be back in the office. 

Some other girls who started a month before me have said they have found it hard to blend into the team. A lot of the team has been there for a long time and they all hang out with each other. And they have their inside jokes. It's hard to break into the circle.

Any advice/tips on how to be more included in the group? (I have been scheduling time to speak with everyone individually to build rapport)
😃 Fun
🛩 Onboarding
☁️ Software Tech
Notorious Answer
Chief Marketing Officer
Ask people to meet up for in person coffee, lunch, etc. If they've been immunized or they can wear a mask, feel free to join. Sorry you're dealing with that digital divide. It can suck sometimes!
Account Executive
My fiancee has had two jobs now where she has had to onboard remotely and she ran into a lot of the same challenges that you are seeing. Unfortunately there is no magic fix or trick you can do to make it better...Scheduling time with individuals is a great idea! It is what you make of it, and you just have to do what you can to eventually break into the circle. It just takes time.
Chief Revenue Officer
its one of the difficult parts of the "new norm" that we are all working through during/post COVID changes.  1) let it come organically, don't force your way into a group  2) Create your own sub culture while you acclimate.  Some of my best friends/colleagues were folks I started my traininign with. 
Celebrated Contributor
Corporate Trainer
I onboarded remotely as well, and it sucks since most of the older employees live in the same city and if they follow the rules with masks and such, they can go to the office together. I live far so I haven't been able to meet anyone in person, but I make jokes about it during huddles. One day I'll actually go there and make them shit bricks. 

I also poke fun at the fact that I live in the middle of nowhere, near mountains, 30 minutes from anything that could be called a city. 

Make your own inside jokes with your coworkers. Maybe you joined late, but that doesn't mean you can't get along with them now. The way you worded " I have been scheduling time to speak with everyone individually to build rapport" sounds a little creepy though, like a manager trying to be cool and turn into the office favorite. I could be misreading that though. 
Customer saver
Sorry but as a new team member I wouldn’t accept their inside jokes. Onboarding remotely is tough especially in a fast paced environment. No one has time and you are expected to catch up and that could be stressful. The inside jokes could add to that. In my senior role I always made sure the new hires had support. My advise find a mentor, and I’m not suggesting someone to follow 100% but someone to lean on when needed. Let’s not forget sometimes inside jokes that are said in front of you. There are things that could be said that are hurtful behind your back. And if you are one of those employees involved in saying those inside jokes. Time to put on the big boy pants.
Fire Starter
Sales Account Manager
Also had to onboard remotely due to Covid and I have found that even though it can be more difficult to bond with team members, it is not impossible if: 
1. Listen and learn from what people say.
2. Identify common ground and share similar experiences.
3. Show genuine interest in people.
4. Be kind, respecful, but also don't be afraid to use humor when appropiate.
5. Find time to speak with team members individually to get to know each other.
Hope you find these tips helpful :) 

Sales Development Lead
We just hired two new BDs and they are in the same position, one is currently living abroad so feels this times ten. 

I suggested, and they have been doing, organising times when everyone is free towards the end of the day for a half hour (ish) social and a game to show they are proactive but also for them to lead but then to put stuff in the diary for when you will be back in the office and make a plan with them! 
WR Officer
Make yourself available and approachable. Reach out to your team members often to let them know you are legit.
Celebrated Contributor
Solutions Specialist
I onboarded remote as well.  Join the clubs, social slacks, ersg groups if available so you're not silo'ed. Our company does something called donuts-where you're randomly matched with a person for a social 1:1.  Being new is the best time to reach out and introduce yourself.  Schedule a friendly virtual coffee.  I find most are very open to this given the remote culture.

Remote onboarding


Working Remotely


Training Remotely
