Thoughts on a team quota?

Just interviewed for a big tech company (zoom video).

I have both sdr and ae experience (only 3 months, was laid off during ramp only got deals to IO sent but never anything over the finish line).

This is basically a unit/pod of multiple enterprise aes, a team and a bdr.

role I interview for is called an enterprise associate.

higher than a bdr but obviously not an enterprise ae (they have promoted two people to enterprise ae from this role but took about 1.5-2 years).

they have no individual quota but my role would be lead gen and also closing smaller deals while the enterprise aes handle the whales.

thoughts on both this role and the team quota?
🧠 Advice
🗣 Interviewing
🤝 Interviewing/Offer
WR Lieutenant
Why do they have BDRs on a pod with a glorified BDR aka Enterprise Associate? I still think you’re joining a bloated structure where you either get kicked down to BDR or out when they realize the role is not fruitful.

Makes sense to have quota role up to the Ent AE like the agency model where the Account Director is responsible for revenue of their entire team.
Sales Rep
100% agree with this take on it being a bloated structure, Oracle is very similar to this structure, and would not recommend the glorified AE role. However, based on only having 3 months of AE experience and struggling to find roles, this can be an option to land and not have to be an SDR again.

Best case, you can take on a lot of ownership to run deals and get promoted to Ent AE. Worst case, have more experience with AE in the title which will help.

If pay/culture check out, it's not a bad situation based on some of the prior posts

Enterprise SDR
This is how I see it. I’ve been out of work since November and I’m competing against AES who have years of closing experience. I’m a very dedicated and talented sales rep and my resume proves it, but I keep getting denied by good companies because I never closed anything. My other option would be to be an smb AE at a dumpster fire company and I just refuse to do that. I got interviews with companies but their repvue scores were in the 70s and had terrible reviews on Glassdoor.

With this role I get to learn from very talented people, and the the team lead I met I liked.

At minimum I get 2 years working enterprise accounts with good pay and benefits. Lots of talented people to work with and have a great logo on my resume.

There seems to be a bit more of a “mature” vibe here which I like. One sales role I had was just constant talk of football and dick jokes which got really boring after a while. I think I’ll take it.

They call me Daddy, Sales Daddy
If you need the job, take it. You won’t change the way they do things. So if you join, just role with it.
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
I’ve worked in a team setting as an overlay, which seems similar. It can be a good way to get experience, and in your situation could be alright. Track your own performance all along the way so you have metrics you can use in your CV. Good luck!
I agree with most of the points here, but this is a good perspective.

Might be a solid fit for you.

Also, I feel like I saw a similar post about this structure recently? Or am I just going crazy?
Doesn't seem hellish at all given the circumstance and experience level. Grab that role and set records.
Notable Contributor
War Room Community Manager
Any role in any organization can be seen as "something missing". You'll be kicked out if you don't perform. So might as well take it and crush the numbers . Show your worth. I think it can be a good opportunity given that you're getting additional responsibility and let's be honest - 3 months AE is not a huge AE experience.

I say it again, nothing is "safe" in a job.
Business Coach
Weak attempt to build unity from a weak manager.
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Team Quota KPI's


Only 5% of the team hit 100% quota and numbers still went up, thoughts, comments?

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What % of team should be hitting quota?
