How to be the Inside Sales manager we all dream of having?

Hi all, I'm changing orgs within Tech to make the jump from individual contributor to SDR manager. I'm excited for the opportunity, top of funnel is a strength of mine. Does anyone who has made a leap like this have advice on how to be the sales manager that actually benefits the team, rather than one that wastes peoples' time and holds them back? I've had experience dealing with both, and plan on using that to inform my own work, but really interested to hear others' experiences with this.

☁️ Software Tech
🧢 Sales Management
🧠 Advice
President of Callahan Auto
I love this post. The manager I loved most out of all my sales career was my SDR manager when I first got into tech sales. He was not the perfect manager and sadly it is impossible to be that. Everyone has their preference when it comes to managing. What this manager did well at was personalizing how he coached and managed each rep on his team. Too many managers get lazy and just manage the same with everyone. Some reps need coddling, some need space to do their own thing. You still need to set boundaries though. 

My current manager does something that I LOVE. He tells us to figure out things ourselves and then use him as a source to fill in the gaps...instead of him coming to us and telling us what we should be doing. I love this approach because I have learned to use resources and myself instead of relying on my manager. I have grown and learned so much. This has worked out great for him. Everyone on his team hit quota last quarter. He doesn't micromanage but he is always there to help when you need it. He will never waste your time. 

Also, if you do 1 on 1s ask your reps to create the agenda. This is something my favorite manager did. I was able to come to our 1 on 1s and say "I am struggling with ....". Then as the manager you can help coach and train. I hate when managers go into a 1 on 1 and just look at metrics. If a rep is not performing then metrics need to be looked at and discussed. But 1 on 1s should be mostly coaching and what the rep wants to be coached on. Not all about metrics.

Hope this helps! This is just what I have loved about my favorite managers. 
Account Executive
Very in depth, thank you for this. Especially the advice with 1:1s
President of Callahan Auto
Not a problem. I get a little too passionate about this topic. I've had some VERY toxic managers. You'll crush it! Sounds like you really care about this position instead of being on a power trip. Love that. Best of luck!
Celebrated Contributor
Senior Account Executive
By best managers were always the ones who were the biggest advocates for my own success, both personally and professionally.
Account Executive
This hits home.. I had an SDR manager I loved until it came time (in my mind at least) to talk about advancing where he ended up becoming an immovable ceiling for myself and other SDRs on the team. Brutal wake up call
Sales Manager
Be humble. Be willing to make changes and adapt and learn from those you are coaching.

Be an advocate for your team. Team success should go to the team. Team failure should be something you are accountable for as well.
WR Officer
Being humble seems to be a hard thing for some.
Mid-Market AE
@MondayBird Step one is asking questions like this! Personally, I've worked well with managers who ask me how I like to be managed and work on self assessments with me. If I see them as someone who is a leader looking to help me be the best I can be, I'll run through a wall for them. If they are there more to "manage" me, then it's a different story
Big Shot
Regional Sales Director
Cool. Make sure team work remains intact
In times of adversity, step up the game and remain accountable

Are you guys aiming for management positions (VP or Sales Manager) or focusing for on being the number 1 rep?

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