Interested to understand how many ATLs you map out in a deal?

During an internal meeting this morning, one of our Account Exec's was talking through one of their recent sales map // stakeholder map that is being used as part of training (+ potential template) for wider Account Exec's to use in their deals. However, one of the pieces I that stood out to me is that there was about 8x ATLs, and 2x BTLs...

Maybe it's just my (unpopular) opinion but I've always gone by the notion that if everyone is an ATL, you don't have a true ATL. This mapping above seems to be quite top heavy with no clear path up-the-chain to the decision maker. I'm going to make the assumption here that their sales map will be further refined moving forward and mapped out against different departments, stakeholders, BTL and ATL levels, and Exec. Sponsors. Let's give the benefit of the doubt...

The questions I'm left with is: For the Account Executive population here, how many ATLs do you map out in your deals without giving me the "it depends" answers? Additionally, do you include Exec. Sponsors (and alike) in your ATL mapping or bucket these into their own section?

[Edit + Note: ATL - Above the line, BTL - Below the line re. deal authority. Abbreviations for terms such as Champion, Coach, Influencer etc]

๐Ÿ‘‘ Sales Strategy
๐Ÿ— Sales Enablement
Fire Starter
Account Executive
Can you please tell me what ATL and BTL stands for? We don't really use it in EMEA. Or at least I have never came across it in my 5 years as an AE/Sr AE

I think the question should already be asked in the discovery how the decision making process works and what each individual in that process needs to see and how much each individual has to say. If they can't clearly tell it's probably not an opportunity and it's a waste of your time.
Good Citizen
Solutions Engineer
ATL - Above the line
BTL - Below the line

Sorry I'll add that correction into my original post.

To your point on the discovery process, true that, you can't force the issue if there is really nothing there. I suspect (perhaps mistakingly) that this specific AE is simply looking at a contacts job title and deciding if they fall above the line or below it... I think there's a few things here that could be tidied up in the wider discovery and selling process.
Fire Starter
Account Executive
Ask him if he has asked them
"How is the decision making process if this should be the dream solution for everyone?"
"How is the dm process if this ticks all the boxes for everyone?" Okay so 1, 2 and 3 needs to see X and 4, 7 needs to see Y.ย 

In regards to above or below the line that seems a bit overkill. Unless it's a complete ERP/CRM/PSA/SUPPORT/..../... solution. Then I guess every department has to sign of on it. I think in more cases from my experience there would be 5-10 BTL and 1-2 ATL. However if someone goes of titles from LI without investigating themselves and doesn't ask the right questions then sure you can map it that way he or she has done.

Our SCs are always jammed cause of AEs doing a poor job qualifying. Trying to squeeze the solution onto anyone who wants to talk to them. Sometimes they even cross their fingers that that the SC will come in and sell it for them. Why are some sales people so desperate gzuz...

There is no reason for you to come in before he has created the need and urgency for your software (I assume?). Confront him yourself and then take it to your manager so you can actually work on qualified opps instead of kissing frogs like this opp.
Sales Executive
I would assume one ATL with many BTL influences. ย If someone listed 8 ATL and 2 BTL they are either lost in the organization or giving people too much credit. ย I once had an opportunity with a CIO and assumed he was ATL only to realize the CEO made every decision to purchase so I demoted the CIO to BTL.

Hope that makes some sense.
WR Officer
Now I understand what this thread is about. We don't map this way. Thanks for the explanation ๐Ÿฆ†
Account Executive
I define ATL and BTL based on my time.

ATL = worth my time
BTL = not worth my time, but needed for change management

So I know that makes it tough to answer, but it truly depends. No matter what this ratio is wrong.

BTL should be significantly more
Members only

How do you keep yourself motivated under pressure? Yes, I've heard of the usual responses like "finding your why" & "aligning yourself", etc. But I just want to get to the meat of the solution. Are there any specific tactics you guys use to keep yourselves motivated?


Tell Me How You Landed Your Biggest Client! How many calls/emails/meetings did it take? Extra points for a creative selling technique!


AEโ€™s - hereโ€™s a very client-centred way to gather information about โ€˜WHENโ€™ a decision needs to be made. Doing it this way will help you shorten sales cycles and build trust. Keep in mind - not every question I ask in this example is a perfect fit for every buyer, but should give you a good place
