So, I received an offer from a Series A company that has $20M in funding, and like 4 years of runway.
They are closing in on their first $1M of ARR (total), after truly launching the product/converting POCs in January.
They gave me a few options regarding salary, ranging $170-$190k base, and then $150k of bonus, bringing it to $320k OTE.
They said the quota is $1.5M, and I pushed back, because originally I was told that $700-$1M would be my quota 1, but also 2 - a $1.5M quota for a company that basically has no revenue infrastructure setup seems like a losing proposition.
I am not scared of a $1.5M quota, as I've had that and then some a more mature companies.
Their ACV is ~$72-$120k; they say they convert like 40% of their deals.
Between 2 reps already, there are something like 37 deals in pipe.
curious on whether or not this is a realistic number right now, and what you guys think I should push towards, and the reasoning behind in.
my reasoning:
- No revenue infrastructure
- Little marketing
- Little collateral
- No brand equity
- They are having me work on enterprise/strategic ops, so could take awhile to build pipe.
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