Should I stay or should I go now?

I've been in my position for over a year. Shortly after being hired in this startup they decided their SaaS platform needed to be reworked from the ground up. It has been 13 months without a product to sell. 

While I never stopped prospecting and ran several massive POV's during this absolute shit show of a year, I started to pivot to getting the internal workings of the company together and reworking the CSM processes. That way once we hit 2024 and the new product became stable, we wouldn't have additional chaos from the CSM side. (It was BAD)

I'm now to the point where if the product is stable come June/July I would be shocked. I've never worked somewhere that relies heavily on vaporware like this. The audacity to think people will sign million dollar deals on a loose promise and broken software is something I can't get behind.  

The other issue at hand is that my mother has been given about 5 months expectancy due to cancer progression. 

Do I ride this shit show out for the next few months of no commission even though it is making me miserable or do I hit the job market and potentially have my life in shambles early on in a new adventure? 

My commission for 2023 was dismal and I took home 1/3 of what I was told the OTE would be. I have a massive logo in my pipeline now but dev would have to go balls to the wall to execute in the next 3 months and I have zero confidence in that. 
😡 rant
☁️ Software Tech
📠 Startup
Enterprise Account Executive
Sorry to hear about your mother.

If I were you I would start searching/applying now. The market is still rough, so earlier is better.
You don't want the reputation of the vaporware company to stick to you. Especially if you're in cyber (which I think you are).
Senior Enterprise Account Executive
The embarrassment keeps mounting. I think you’re right. If someone wants to hire me and my life implodes, I suppose they will just need to deal with me taking a few days off.
No marketing, mayo isn't an MQL
Concur with what BrainTank, seems the writing is on the wall. Always better to look for a job while you still have a job.
Truly sorry about your mother, that can't be easy.

And while looking for something new won't be either, I think you're doing yourself a disservice staying where you are. Plus, if it's making you as miserable as it appears, you won't be your best self with mom.
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
I’m so sorry.

I agree with braintank. Start looking, and at least see if you can get that part of your life stabilized.

That said, family is most important. May you and your mother have peace the next few months.
Sr. AE
So sorry to hear about your mother. Start the process now so you have something sooner than later. Market is still not the best.
I can’t add anything to what’s been said, other than do right by your mother. You’ll never let yourself off the hook if you don’t. Regrets seemingly just stay that way. I wish you much luck on the way through both. ✊
Founding BDR
Extremely sorry about your mother. I agree with the rest of the comments - start looking and get paid to interview. Definitely prioritize spending time with your mother during all of it. My prayers are with you.
Senior Enterprise Account Executive
Y’all the best. You have lifted the guilt of being paid to interview while giving my best 75% 🤣. Mom has been fighting for almost 3 years now and already beat the initial expectations so I consider us lucky to have had the time we do!
Here's my perspective. Spend as much time as you can with your mom while you are able to. That should be your #1 priority. And hell, if you don't have a product to sell and aren't getting commission, mail it in, collect base pay, and literally hang out with your mom every day. Who cares? Worst that happens is you get fired from a job you want to leave. You can also start applying and interviewing while you have some downtime, but I can guarantee you will never look back at this time and regret spending too much time with mama. Best wishes to you and your family.
Sales Director, Large Enterprise
From someone who's lost a father in <6 months from cancer. Drop everything and go spend quality time with your mom. Make that your #1 priority.
Good Citizen
Account Executive
You know... work will always be there. My dad passed within 5 days of getting sick and while I talked to him a lot.... I would give just about anything to have spent more time with him.

I would let the cards fall where they may with your job, put apps out if you want to, but spending time with your mom is something you'll never get back.
WR Officer
Oh honey, I'm so sorry. ❤🦊
Big Shot
Account Executive
Truly sorry to hear about your mother. If finances allow, you could put in notice citing the situation and I think any company would understand the leave of absence.
GTM Sales Leader
Fuck that… prioritize your Mother. Money and stability will come at some point. But your mom isn’t. Prayers up for you! You’re gonna be ok.
What a horrible situation. Agree with others, start interviewing now. Happy to review your resume and give some suggestions if you feel it will help.

There are a lot of "it depends" with what I am about to suggest, so please do some research, and maybe have a friend or loved one research with you to make sure you are interpretting it right.
1. The family medical leave act may be supportive to you. It allows you time off to tend to a sick family member. You do not get paid, however your job is "supposed" to be held for you.

2. One gets 12 work weeks of time off when FMLA is in place.
3. I am not sure if company size matters for FMLA
4. There is a proper way to request it, don't walk in demanding.

5. Depending on where you (and your mom) live its possible there could be state resources to help you or her. This will take some digging.

Here's a couple of reference articles:

1. Family Medical Leave Act Resources, FAQ, etc.
2. State of California info. Even if neither of you are in California, there are some good nuggets to think about in terms of the type of care she may need.
In sales, INTEGRITY is everything! Selling Promise-Ware will get you no where fast! Even if you stay, the product resembles "something" who ever buys it from you will always remember you as the guy that sold them a shitty solution.
My advise, for what it is worth is to find yourself another company that has a solid solution that you can sell and earn a living.
Valued Contributor
Director, Channel Sales & Partner Alliances
I have a different take on this. I say STAY so that you can coast for awhile, and that will allow you to spend time with your Mom. If you leave and find a new job, you will be "drinking from the firehose" for at least 6 months. Do the bare minimum, collect a paycheck, and go be with Mom.
Senior SDR
Almost sounds like you can do over employed!
Head of Sales
I’d ride this out given your mums situation. I’m sorry about her prognosis and if it helps, I helped my mum through a terminal illness 3 years ago.
It really helped to have a stable job and one that I didn’t care or worry about if I lost it.
As luck would have it, pandemic hit and I’m still at the same job but I’m able to consider another role without the stress of an ill parent.
Sorry again for your mum.
Sales Executive
1. Family first always. Focus on your mom. I hope your current employer will understand about significant life events where you need to support your family.
2. If you stay - Win as a team/lose as a team. build the relationship with that big logo, get your leadership involved, ensure commitments are aligned between business leadership, product management and the client. Sometimes the big enterprises like having influence on smaller tech companies if they like your product/company. If the product is so bad you can’t get past the 1st demo then that is another story…
3. If you decide you must leave, don’t do so unless you have another job secured.
Good luck!
Fire Starter
Account Manager
I am so sorry to hear about your mother.

I would prioritize searching for a new role but ultimatley, you can't put a price on spending time with your family. Roles/money will come and go, but family and your mental wellbeing is priceless.
Senior SDR
To some degree, leveraging the job to support your mental health could be beneficial.

Not sure the amount of work load you currently have but if it is lacking due to no deal flow. If you have time for it, taking care of your mother (atleast seeing her) could be good while you apply to jobs and quite quit your current job.

There will always be time for work, life is what is short.
Good Citizen
So sorry to hear about your mom.
This is a tough situation, as you don't want to be onboarding at a new company while you're spending the last bits of valuable time, but I do agree I would start having conversations, and if you see a good opportunity, I would make the jump. Life is too short to work a job that makes you miserable. Sounds like the pipeline you have, the product cannot deliver.

You might look at a little bit more of an established company with product market fit.
Senior Director of Sales
Yes - Take care of your Mom. Also - stay at that company and get paid while you look for another job. Unfortunately some start ups/small software companies have software with Big Bugs or vaporware that you can't deliver and the company does NOT care about you - too many companies in Tech today have No Ethics - Good Luck.

Stay or go?


Should I stay or should I go?
