BDR Moving to AE Seeking Advice

Does anyone have advice for whether I should stay with my company, how I can negotiate a higher base, or what the best steps forward are?


I started with my current company a little over a year ago and relocated to a city/state where I knew nobody. During the interview process, I was all but guaranteed an AE/AM role within 12 months as long as I hit my targets and displayed a good attitude.

At the end of Q4 I had 150% quota attainment, generated twice as much revenue as the next BDR, and was the only BDR in the company selected to attend Presidents Club. Throughout the year I've also been assigned mentoring roles to assist with onboarding and am 1 of 20 people in the sales department appointed to the Sales Advisory Committee. I can't be happier with how well I've done in my first year with the company and the reputation I've built.

That being said I expected to be promoted within the first few months of the new year and now management is letting me know that I can expect to be in my current role until June or July. While that was disappointing it wasn't the end of the world. I'll get there when I get there.

My bigger concern is that I've heard from other BDR's and lower level AE/AM's that the base salary and OTE are about 20-30K less than what I originally expected (data from Glassdoor and RepVue).

Up until this point, I had no interest in leaving my company or looking for other opportunities but if the base/OTE is what I'm hearing I cannot afford to stay at my company. I have a meeting with the hiring manager for an AE position this week and have also been approached by a promising FinTech company to interview for an SDR position that pays almost exactly what the AE base/OTE at my current company is rumored to be only I can move closer to family and friends and lower my cost of living.

Does anyone have advice for whether I should stay with my company, how I can negotiate a higher base, or what the best steps forward are?

💰 Compensation
🧠 Advice
👨‍🌾 SDR
WR Lieutenant
BDR to SDR, or any similar lateral move, is a red flag to me if I’m the hiring manager for the next time you apply to an AE role.

July is a great time to jump into an AE role. You’ll have 3 months of ramp to get up to closing speed and a change to make P Club as the ROTY. Stick it out where you know the product, customers, culture, etc and crush your number.

You can afford to stay, but you’re being dissuaded by the salaries that are self-reported on Glassdoor compared to the reality of what you’re going to be paid. If you want to negotiate for a higher base then bring the argument you outlined above regarding attainment.
Business Development Rep III
Spoke with the hiring manager today. While there were originally plans to expand the sales team to onboard BDR’s into AE roles in 2022 (due to the company’s success in 2021) that has been thrown out and I was told that unless someone leaves the team I shouldn’t expect a role change until 2023. In regards to the cost to stay with the company, rent in my city has increased $500/month to resign in my current unit which was already at the bottom end of the spectrum. (Why I can’t afford to stay/commission is capped in my current role)
WR Lieutenant
Promises of promotions are rarely kept or on time—so yes, perhaps look for another role, but make sure it’s a growth opportunity and not a lateral move.
Regional Account Executive
I’ve always felt that your biggest leaps in pay aside from busting your ass for commission will come from jumping ship.
WR Officer
You won't know until you look and see what else is out there. Never hurts to look. 🤷‍♀️
They call me Daddy, Sales Daddy
June is just 2 months away and if you like it where you’re at, 2 months isn’t a big deal.

Regarding the money, when you talk to them about moving to an AE role, tell them you did your homework and the range similar roles are paying. They will either meet it or offer a compromise. Then it’s up to you to decide your fate.
Officer of ♥️
Here take this its a question. On one hand it would be great to be an ae and not let the exp go to waste, on the other hand you’re getting juked and underpaid and having to be away from family. You may have to put in another year to make it to ae at a new place. Or make the jump straight too it but then be out over your head too. Tough decision.

Also get a fucking remote role fuck sorry for yelling
Enterprise Account Executive
Hard to know until you get an offer
Head Of Sales
This is common for SDRs. They tell you you will be promoted by X date....that comes and goes. 

The June date will probably become August and then who knows what. 

Sounds like you have done a REALLY great job in your first year so MAJOR congrats on that. 

I would talk to your manager about this. voice your concerns about comp and them pushing the promotion date back. 

If they give you reassurance that everything will be good.....then wait it out. 

if you dont like what they say, then start looking. but please dont take ANOTHER SDR role. 

you have done enough to get an AE role. go get it. 
Big Shot
Account Executive
I transitioned 6 months ago from a BDR to an AE, and I kept getting told oh next month we will switch you...and I had to tell my company you switch me or this is my 2 week notice...for me the jump was a 10k raise annually and huge percentage jump in commission..not to mention I was now incharge of my own paycheck not depending on others to feed my family. it is hard choice tho

SDR Advice: Options other than moving to AE?

Next role after SDR?
45% Who are you kidding, it has to be AE
55% Maybe give something else a try
60 people voted

Advice for moving from SDR to AE role

Members only

Looking for career advice. Moving from an AE role to BDR - am I crazy?
