Hello I am just an intern at this cybersecurity company thats pretty friendly and chill. Recently our company has been on the tightrope. They decided to lower the quota by 10% and then raised it by 10%. I just got news that they raised it by 130%. It really sucks for everyone else as I am an hourly worker (no commision), but im realistically just trying to get as much cash as I possibly can and dip (I have another internship in may so im not that worried) My question is:
- Is there any way to sue them as it seems like a snake tactic to make us quit instead of giving us severance (maybe not me but the actualy FT workers)?
- What are the next steps that I should take in order to try and prolong my work there even if all my higher ups are going to quit.
- Any experiences like this would help
- What are ultimatly the next steps I should take?